
Once upon a time, I fell in love.

She was feisty, radiant, and reckless. She had nothing. She came from nothing. And unless she found a rich husband—it would take everything she had to pull herself out of poverty.

I wasn’t rich.

I had less money than her.

I had no college degree.

No job prospects.

All I had was five dollars in my pocket and the clothes on my back.

None of that mattered.

Our love was enough.

We vowed to love each other forever.

We got married.

A baby followed.

I thought our life together was so happy.

I thought we could make our marriage last.

I thought…

I sigh.

I thought it was enough.

Turns out, you can’t live on love.

You can’t eat love.

Breathe love.

Live under a roof made of love.

You need money.

We tried to make more of ourselves. I went to a community college.

It wasn’t enough.

She worked three jobs.

It wasn’t enough.

Our baby deserved more.

We deserved more.

So we started hunting for a way out.




Until finally, we found a way out.

We had more money than we could have ever imagined.

More money than the suits who used to look down on us as we cleaned their homes.

More money than the executives who those suits reported to.