“Sebastian?” Millie says as she pads down the hallway. I tuck her ring into my pocket. “Have you seen my wedding ring?”

I shake my head. “Nope, I haven’t seen it.”

“Huh. I took it off to shower and put it on the bathroom counter, but it’s not there anymore.”

“I can help you look for it. But if we are supposed to be fighting, maybe it’s best that you’re not wearing it.”

She rubs her bare finger. It doesn’t look right without her wedding ring on her finger. And the way her face falls, I know she’d rather be wearing it. But I have something special planned for tonight that involves it.

“Yea, I guess you’re right.”

“You look beautiful, by the way.” I stand and take her hands in mine, trying to get her to stop thinking about her missing ring. I kiss her cheek, careful not to mess up her hair or makeup.

“Thanks, I feel weird wearing a dress. It’s not usually my style, but I know how much you like me in a dress.”

“I like you in anything. Dresses are my favorite because I can do this.” I lift her dress and find her cunt bare. Once again, she’s not wearing panties or a bra.

She gasps as I touch her. “Sebastian, don’t. I can’t—“

But then she’s coming. It’s not a full explosion, but enough to take the edge off and give her a beautiful glow.

She blushes when I remove my hand. “You ready to go?”

She nods, her pink lips gaping,

still in shock of what I just did to her. I take her hand in mine, and then we head to the suburbs where Kade and Larkyn live.

I park on the street outside the house. Millie and I haven’t spoken much on the drive over. We just held hands in comforting silence. These could be our last moments together as a couple. Tonight, Millie could end up sleeping at Oaklee’s, or I could end up sleeping here at Kade’s.

I can’t let that happen. I’ll do everything I can to change her mind. It might not be fair to do this publicly, but I think it’s the only way she’ll listen to me—the only way we have a shot at a future. And right now, I’m not ready to give up.

“You ready?” she asks. It’s a loaded question. She doesn’t know the thoughts racing through my head. She doesn’t know how far I’ll fight to keep her, but she’s about to.

I grip her hand tighter. “Yes.”

Her eyes shake back and forth like she’s reading my thoughts running across my forehead, but of course, she can’t.

“We’ll stay friends after this? Maybe meet up on some island somewhere for a weekend or something every couple of years and just hang out? No matter what happens after tonight,” she says suddenly.

I do my best to hold back my grin, but I feel it all the way in my toes. She still wants more. Whether she says it or not, she wants more. That is all I need—hope.

“Yes, no matter what, we will still be in each other’s lives.”

Her lips pull back into a thin smile, and then she bites her bottom lip like she isn’t sure that’s enough.

It’s nowhere near enough, baby. Soon you’ll realize you can have everything you never knew you wanted.

Once out of the car, though, I try to take Millie’s hand back in mine, but she pulls away. And so it begins.

Larkyn and Kade’s house is a nice suburban home with a large garage, plenty of space, four bedrooms, three baths. It’s beautiful and homey, but not too big. It doesn’t show off the true wealth that Kade has. Larkyn didn’t want her kids growing up in something too grand.

There was a time when I thought a house like this would be the last thing I want. But when the kids come running at me, and I scoop each of them up, my heart all of a sudden feels empty. I’ve never wanted kids, never thought I’d be a good father, but I want to learn to be one. Millie would help me become a good father. And she’d make a great mother. I want everything with her.

“Millie, Sebastian, I’m so glad you could make it,” Larkyn walks over and gives each of us a hug.

I watch Millie closely. I don’t touch her. I don’t put my hands on her. But I also won’t be the one to start a fight.

“Happy birthday, sis,” I say.