I exhale. Fucking Sebastian every day for the next five in a

half months seems like heaven. Until he decides the pretending is over, then it will be hell.

“And when our marriage is over, how are you going to handle your uh…addiction problem? I don’t want to be responsible for you becoming an alcoholic or something again.” Maybe we can keep fucking even after we are no longer married.

He shakes his head. “I won’t go back to drinking. I’ll go through my usual process when it’s time to break up. I’ll do the therapy and detoxing.”

“You’ll detox yourself of me? How will that even work?” I ask as he tilts my head back to wash the shampoo from my hair. How does this feel more intimate than anything else we’ve done all night?

“I’ll get rid of everything that reminds me of you. I’ll give myself some time away from any of our mutual friends. I won’t look you up on social media. I’ll need a full break when this is over. It should be easy for our friends to understand since they think we will be going through a real divorce.”

I nod. A complete break, cold turkey. That’s what he’s asking for. It’s probably for the best.

“Okay. I can do that,” I say.

And then he’s running a bar of soap over my body, and I can barely think. My body tingles everywhere he touches.

“What about you?” he asks.

But I have no idea what he’s talking about as his hand runs over my breast and down the front of my stomach. I’m seeing stars, and thinking of all the times he touched me last night.

“Millie?” He chuckles at my reaction.


He laughs and removes his hands and starts washing himself, which is just as distracting as having his hands on me.

“What about you? What do you need from me to make this work?” he asks again.

I pause. I need this to end right now before I fall head over heels in love with him.

“Just keep being an asshole when you can outside of the bedroom, so I remember that we aren’t right for each other. Point out all our differences. This is just good sex, that’s it.”

He nods slowly. “Just good sex. Trust me, I’d make a terrible boyfriend. And an even more terrible husband. I work all day, have a rigid routine, and then would fuck you all night. You wouldn’t get any sleep. It would be a horrible life.”

“Horrible,” I repeat his words under my breath. But it doesn’t sound horrible. It sounds amazing. I’ve already experienced one night of his rigid routine, and it involved him cooking for me. And the lack of sleep doesn’t bother me if it means I get all the orgasms. What could be bad about this life?

Sebastian steps under the water, washes the soap off his body, and then steps out to wrap himself in a towel while I gape.

“So what are you going to do today while I’m at work? Are you working tonight? I never got a clear answer on what job it is you are currently doing.”

It’s because I was fired from my last job, and I’m currently unemployed, but that’s too embarrassing to talk about.

“I’m going over to Oaklee’s to chat a bit. I’ll convince her we’re in love but are nervous we jumped in too fast, so when we get a divorce, she’ll accept it. And I’ll see if she’ll spill any more details about how we decided to get married in the first place.”

“Good idea. You can also arrange to have your stuff moved in,” Sebastian says with the towel wrapped low around his hips as he walks to the closet to get dressed.

Yea, except I already moved all my stuff in, he just doesn’t realize it yet. He’s truly a king, and I’m a pauper. There is no way this could ever be real. I have nothing to offer him but sex. I have no career. No money. No furniture. All I come with is a lot of baggage.

I turn off the shower and am wrapping a towel around my body when Sebastian comes back into the bathroom with a scowl on his face. He thrusts my phone at me.

“We need to talk about your stalking ex.”

I look down at the phone and see the text threats from an unknown number. I take the phone and hit delete, blocking yet another new number from my ex.

Sebastian tucks a strand of wet hair behind my ear. “Don’t worry, we will find a way to handle him. We should go hang out with our friends tonight publicly, make a big splash so that news spreads to him, and he realizes he doesn’t have a chance with you.”

I nod.