But Kade is right. Eventually, this marriage will end, in less than six months in fact, and whether he says it or not, he’ll be thinking it.

When I get to my apartment several hours later, I have every intent on having Millie sign it. On finding a way we can stay friends and put the physical part of our relationship aside.

And then I see her, standing in my kitchen in nothing but a towel, her hair wet from a shower.

I forget about the prenup.

I forget about how weak my heart is right now.

All I want to do is fuck her.



I should have expected Sebastian to walk in. It’s six in the evening. That’s when most people get off work.

But for some reason, it didn’t register with me. I wasn’t planning on letting Sebastian see me standing in his kitchen in nothing but a towel, and yet, that’s exactly what happened.

“What are you doing?” are the first words out of Sebastian’s mouth.

My heart flutters because even though his words are an accusation that I shouldn’t be standing here, tempting him, his eyes are filled with desire. The tightness in his body tells me he’s holding back, standing in the doorway because if he comes any closer, he’s going to do something he regrets.

“Am I not allowed to shower?” I ask as I feel my pulse beating in my throat.

“You’re allowed to shower. Did you come home from work early?”


He blinks, not expecting that.

“Did you just finish working out?”


His eyes slide down my body, taking in the swell of my breasts over the towel, the curve around my hips, and then down my bare thighs. I relish in the feel of his heated gaze over my body, how he appreciates every bit of my body, and I remember exactly what he did to it.

Only one night.

That’s all we get. Those were his words. I try to remind my body of that, but he’s turned on a desire that I don’t know how to turn off.

“Why are you only now showering then?” His voice is low and deep, but I think it’s more out of lust than anger. He’s trying to make sense of me, trying to understand why I’m standing here in a towel tempting him.

“Because night time is when my day usually starts.”

His forehead wrinkles. “What do you mean your day usually starts now?”

I shrug. “I’m a night owl. I work at night, not during the day. Hawaii was the opposite of my normal life.” Everything about Hawaii was out of character for me.

He nods like he understands, and I suspect everything about Hawaii for him was also out of the norm.

“We should talk,” I say.

He nods again but doesn’t speak. His eyes stay locked on my body. He doesn’t look like he wants to talk. He looks like he wants to devour me.

Finally, he speaks. “Go get dressed. Then we can have dinner together.”

I nod and hurry to my room to get dressed. Mostly so I don’t do something stupid like jump into his arms and kiss him against his will. It’s clear that he still finds me attractive, but is just as much of an ass as I thought.