I saw the doubt in her eyes before she got up from the table, thank goodness for the darkness to give me a chance to change her mind. If she turned me down tonight, I’d go insane. I need her more than I need oxygen. She’s my sole focus.

Millie slams against me while the elevator doors close. My ankle throbs as I’m putting too much weight on it, but I don’t care. I’d cut off my leg if it meant fucking her.

The doors open, and we keep our mouths locked, stumbling hard into the hallway wall opposite the elevator.

“Ow,” Millie groans.

I bite her bottom lip, giving her an entirely different kind of pain to complain about. I’m rewarded with the most delicious moan that runs from her lips and hits me straight in the cock. These last few days together have been torture not getting to fuck her, but now, it’s finally happening.

Millie pushes me away and then jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around me. I grab her ass in my hands, thankful to have her in my arms. This will be so much easier to get her back to the bedroom as fast as possible so that I can have my way with her.

My ankle can barely hold my own weight, though, and her’s sets me off balance entirely. I slam her back into the wall, trying to keep us upright.

She pants against my lips. “I need you, now.”

Her words are enough to get me to fly. I don’t know if I literally fly, levitate, or teleport us to the hotel room, but somehow we make it there in record time. I rest her back against the bedroom wall, not wanting to let go of her.

“God, you are the sexiest minx I’ve ever seen,” I kiss down her face, over every ounce of caked-on makeup, as my hand rides up her thigh to grip her ass.

Our kisses are hungry and unstoppable. I kiss down her throat, begging it to make more intoxicating dirty sounds, but somehow, that gives her a second to think—a second to realize what we are doing.

“I—I can’t,” she says suddenly.

I stop kissing her neck but don’t remove my hand from her ass.

I stare at her in the eyes. I’ll honor her wish, if this is what she really wants, but I can see it’s not because she doesn’t want me. She’s terrified.

The entire time I’ve known Millie, she’s been the most confident person I know. But right now, she looks timid—like she wants to crawl into a closet and lock herself away from the world.

I think I know why, and it kills me. If she ever tells me the truth, I’m going to kill the bastard who made her feel this way.

But I’m not going to let the monster take away a moment meant to be pure ecstasy.

“Talk to me, Mills.”

She bites my lip, and I know I’m not getting another word out of her.

“Do you want to fuck me?”

“Yes,” she whispers.

“What’s stopping you?”

Again there is a flash of doubt behind her eyes. “I won’t hurt you,” I whisper.

“I know, that’s not it…”

She hugs her middle. She doesn’t think she’s enough.

Jesus, this woman is more than enough. She’s more magnificent than any woman I’ve ever seen. She risked her life to help me. She took me on the craziest adventures. She got me to marry her somehow that night. I have no doubt that it was her that caused us to be husband and wife. At first, I wanted to yell at her for it. But now, I’m beyond thankful to her.

If she doesn’t want to fuck me, then fine. But I refuse to let her think less of herself. I refuse to let whatever haunting words another man has said to her play in her head while I do nothing. If I do anything, I’m going to ensure that my words replace his.

Thunder rolls overhead, and I hear the pitter-patter of the rain pick up again. It had stopped momentarily during our dinner but must have started again. This time I don’t curse the rain. I welcome it.

I tighten my grip on her ass. “Hold on.”

I walk determinedly outside with her still in my arms.