“Why did you stay when a single sting from one of those bees could have killed you?”

“You were in danger. I couldn’t leave you.”

“You should have run.”

“You shouldn’t have jumped.”

I let my hands roam his face and neck where I see a few red bumps, but the bees seem to have vanished like I thought they would when we jumped into the water.

Sebastian thinks I’m wild—I am, but not in love. In love, I don’t take risks, not anymore. I don’t risk anything with a man. But for a second, I risk it all.

I grab Sebastian’s neck and pull us together as our mouths connect. Open, raw, rough—we devour each other. Our first kiss was perfect, sweet, magical. This kiss is hungry, carnal, and intimate.

The water pushes us closer together, smashing us together until I can feel all of him. Everywhere I touch is hard—his chest, his arms, his cock. All of him is muscle and man. All of him begs me to touch him.

I forget about the consequences. I just want him. This is pretend; this isn’t real. But for a moment we had a very real moment. We risked our health for the other, and that brought us closer together. It turned the tables and made me want him.

I shouldn’t. This is when I should demand he be a jerk. When I should turn wild and crazy. This is when we should ensure that we are our worst because we are vulnerable. Our hearts are open after the beautiful moment we just had. And hearts are designed to fall in love and then break.

I vowed I wouldn’t let that happen again.

And yet, here I am kissing Sebastian like he’s my real husband. My body is sliding up and down his, humping him in the water, begging him to remove our clothes and take me right here, right now.

“Sebastian,” I breathe through the sloppy kiss, one that fires through my body and practically makes me come. Jesus, it’s been too long. That’s all this is. Too long since I’ve been fucked. I don’t feel anything else.

“Mmm,” he moans back, unable to detangle his mouth from mine. His hands slide up my body under my shirt, moving so close to my breasts.



Just a little closer…

When suddenly, he’s gone. He’s no longer kissing me. He’s no longer feeling me. No longer seconds away from taking me in this pool of water.

I open my eyes.

“Why did you stop?” I ask, afraid he’s come to his senses and no longer finds me attractive.

“I’m not going to fuck you for the first time either of us remembers in this freezing pool, with me covered in bee stings, and you risking your life being out here where you could get stung.”

I shiver, realizing how cool the water is for the first time. He’s right. We shouldn’t fuck here. But hiking back four hours to get back will seem like an eternity.

I pout.

He chuckles. “We don’t have to hike the four hours back. There is a thirty-minute hike to where we can have a car pick us up.”

“Thank God!”

He laughs harder. He holds out his hand, and I take it as he helps me out of the pool.

He hisses when he steps out. For the first time, I see the damage of jumping into the water caused him. His ankle is swollen and bruised.

“Sebastian, your ankle, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have made you jump.”

He turns and shakes his head. “And I shouldn’t have put you at risk in the first place.” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Let me help you create a makeshift brace or something to make it easier to walk.”