“Millie, what’s going on?”

Sebastian huffed off because he was a jerk after our kiss. A kiss that affected him just like it did me. A kiss that caused him to lash out to avoid either of us getting feelings. A reaction that caused him to not realize that his foot is stuck in a fallen beehive. The bees he has thoroughly pissed off will come at him hard as soon as he removes his foot.

I have to remain calm though, I don’t want him to panic and take a misstep and fall over the cliff a few feet behind him.

“Sebastian, are you allergic to bees?” I ask.

“No, I don’t think so.”

I nod. “Good. You’re standing on a beehive, and when you lift your foot, they’re all going to come after us. I’m going to count to three, and then we’re going to run as fast as we can. Understand?”

His eyes are big as he nods.

I swallow down my fear. Bees are harmless; they don’t usually attack unless threatened, but we just threatened a whole bunch of them.


We immediately sprint as fast as we can while a swarm of angry bees lurches out of the hive. We run through trees and jump over bushes to get away as fast as possible.

I know we have to get to the water. That’s our best chance of avoiding more stings, but we are at the top of the waterfall. We have to climb down. We have to—

“Jump!” I shout at him.

“Are you crazy?”

“We have to.”

“We could break our necks! Why are we jumping?” He slaps his legs as more bees sting him.

He’s right. I shouldn’t risk his life to save mine. Think!

The bees are getting closer. Stay calm; they won’t hurt you if you stay calm.

Sebastian looks at me closer. “Millie, are you allergic?”

I don’t answer. We are miles away from civilization. It doesn’t matter if I’m allergic or not. What matters is that I make sure Sebastian is okay. He may not be allergic, but the number of stings he’s getting can’t be good for anyone.

“Millie?” he asks again.

“Let’s climb down around the side and get you into the water where the bees can’t get to you.”

“Jesus.” His eyes peer over the edge, and then before either of us can think about what he’s doing, he’s grabbed me by the hand, and we are both jumping over the waterfall and into the pool of water below.

I scream as our bodies fall, having no idea how deep the water is. It’s thrilling and dangerous, and exactly who Sebastian thinks I am.

We hit the water, our hands coming apart on contact. My legs hit the floor too fast, but not enough to break them or seriously hurt me. Sebastian is taller and heavier, so he hit the bottom before I did.

We both break the surface, breathing fast.

“There is never a dull moment with you, is there, Millie?”

I laugh nervously. “Nope, my life is just one crazy adventure after the next.”

He laughs with me, finding my hand in the water and pulling me to him.

“Are you okay? Your foot—“

“Is fine,” he finishes, taking my face in his hands as we continue to pant. Apparently, neither of us are ever able to catch our breaths around each other.