I pull away before she realizes the kiss is over, and I watch for a split second where her lips kiss the air between us wanting more.

Her eyes flutter open, slowly coming back to reality.

I’m still stuck in the fantasy. What the hell was that? There is no way that was normal. A kiss like that is a once in a lifetime kiss.

“Was that…?” I ask, even though I have no idea what I’m asking.

“Hmm,” she says back, oblivious that my question made no sense.

We both take deep breaths, still pressed against each other everywhere but our lips. I’m not big on kissing. It’s just a prelude to the fucking, but Jesus effing Christ—I think I’ve been wrong all my life. That kiss flipped my heart upside down. It wrecked my soul. It made me harder than I’ve ever been. It was more than just a tease—it was the whole show.

Yes, I still want to fuck her, but I’m more than satisfied just kissing her.

Millie is the first to actually articulate her thoughts into words. “If you kissed me like that back in Vegas, then it’s no wonder that we ended up married. How could I let someone who kisses me like that go?”

She’s so bold with her words, so Millie. I’m thankful, because it reminds me that I can’t let her fall for me. I have to be a little cruel. I have to be a bit of the asshole I’m supposed to be. I have to keep her feelings out of this. Just remind her that perfect kisses exist. That love can exist if both people believe in it. I just don’t.

I snicker. “Don’t go getting soft on me, Mills. I made you climb a mountain to earn that kiss. I didn’t kiss you until you begged.”

She steps back, and I step forward. I grab her hips, pulling her tightly against my steel cock. “And I won’t fuck you until you open your pretty little mouth to me, get down on your knees to worship my cock, and plead with me to enter you.”

“Asshole,” she curses when I release her.

“Tease,” I curse back. But Millie is anything but a tease. She’s the whole package. And I think for a moment that I’m wrong in trying to push her into dating again, finding a man again. No man could be worthy of her.

She glares at me, but there is a softness to her eyes when she looks at me. She knows I’m acting mean to keep her safe, to keep her from falling for me. I look away, needing a moment to think about my next move…

“Son of a bitch,” I yell as something stings my neck.

“Don’t move,” Millie says so calmly and sure.

I freeze. Well, everything but my heart freezes. My heart pounds a million miles a minute in my chest, still dreaming about that damn kiss. I know I’m in danger. This special moment is over, but all I can think is, why did I stop kissing her?



My heart teeters on the edge of so many feelings. The hurt I felt after he acted like a grade-A asshole. The fear I feel at watching what he just stumbled into. And yet the strongest emotion is still tied to that kiss.

I’ve been kissed before, but not like that.

That kiss was jaw-dropping, inside turning, a let’s ride off into the sunset on our white horse kind of a kiss. I can’t even figure out why the kiss was so incredible. He had great technique, sure. The spot he chose to kiss me was magical, the most beautiful natural place I’ve ever seen, and I’ve traveled the world. But we were also exhausted, sweaty, and sunburnt. We don’t like each other, we hardly know each other, and yet…

I want a repeat. I want him to kiss me again and again.

He’s kissed me before, but somehow I forgot. I don’t know how that’s possible when I know that I’ll be

thinking of this long after Sebastian and I get divorced and go our separate ways. That kiss renewed my hope in humanity, in love.

It shouldn’t. Sebastian King doesn’t do love. Neither do I. Yet it felt like the universe was trying to tell us something with that kiss.

I’m horny as hell and haven’t gotten laid in forever. That’s it. We just need to fuck, and then we will be out of each other’s systems. But no more kissing; kissing is dangerous. Kissing caused my heart to flutter—a heart I thought I’d locked away and protected with castle walls, a draw bridge, and a moat. I didn’t think anyone, especially Sebastian King, had a shot at getting through, and yet, my heart did strange things during that kiss.


“Son of a bitch, that hurt,” Sebastian says, slapping his neck again.

“Don’t move.”