“I don’t think the memory is coming back, unless we fuck.”

She chuckles. “Is sex your answer for everything?”

“Yes.” I wiggle my ears, and my dimple drives into my cheek. She laughs at both.

“I had a good day with you, Sebastian.”

I sigh. It seems she’s done talking about sex.

“You don’t fight fair,” I say, looking down at her naked body covered in bubbles.

“Neither do you.”

I sink lower into the bubbles, up to my chin. “I had a good day too, Millie.” A really good day. I can’t recall a day where I laughed more than I did today with Millie. No matter what happens between us, I shouldn’t ruin it. Millie would make a great friend.

She would also make someone a good wife someday. That’s a topic I need to dig deeper on. A woman like Millie should definitely get married, not because she needs a guy, but because she’s so fucking incredible.

“What crazy things do you have planned for us tomorrow?”

“Who says I have a plan? I didn’t today.”

I smile at that, before yawning.

“It’s past someone’s bedtime,” she laughs, as I yawn two more times.

“I told you, I’m an early bird, not a night owl.”

She yawns too. “I think it’s time for bed.”

I climb out of the tub, feeling her gaze on me as I dry off and then wrap the towel around my waist before waiting to see what she’s going to do. Is she going to be as brave leaving the tub as she was going in? All she has to do to get me to leave is say the words.

But when she stands, water dripping down her naked body, it’s too much for me. I grab one of the towels and hold it up, blocking my view of her body.

She smirks and then wraps the towel around her.

I turn and walk inside. “You can have the bathroom first.”


She grabs her clothes; I assume to go to the bathroom to change. Instead, she drops her towel and then pulls an oversized T-shirt over her body.

“You’re sleeping like that?” I gape.

“Do you have a problem with that?”

I moan. My cock is throbbing. My body is aching for her. She’s not even wearing any underwear.

“Nope. I uh…” I run my hand through my wet hair. “I think I’ll sleep on the couch after all.”

“The bed is plenty big enough.”


She laughs at my words. “I’ll put on panties if it will help.”

I don’t think it will help. I don’t think anything will help.

There is a buzzing coming from her bag that draws her attention—giving me time to compose myself. She may not need to go to the bathroom, but I need to go jack off if I’m going to have any hope of falling asleep.