“Go on, I’ll turn around until you’re dressed.”

“Nope, we go together. It’s too cold to wait in the water.” I grab his hand and pull him toward our clothes. Neither of us looks below the other’s eyes, no matter how badly we both want to, as we slip our clothes back onto our soaking bodies.

“You’re shivering,” Sebastian says.

I look up at him. He’s put his shorts back on but not his shirt. Water drips down his chest in beads, bouncing over his rock hard muscles.

When my gaze meets his, there is a familiar grin. “Put your arms up.”

I frown, not understanding, but I do what he says. He slips his T-shirt down over my body.

“Better?” he asks.

I tremble again, but I’m not sure if it’s from being cold or his touch.

He frowns. “Let’s get you inside and warmed up.” He takes my hand, our fingers melding together like all the other couples on the beach. But they don’t stay together for long and then Sebastian has me pulled against his side. His arm is draped over my shoulders, and his hand runs up and down my bicep, trying to keep me warm as we race back to the hotel.

All I can focus on is his touch against my skin. His arm over my shoulders. His smell is filling my nostrils.

“Still cold?” Sebastian asks as we enter the lobby.

“Nope.” In fact, I’m burning hot from his touch. An unfamiliar ache grows in my belly—want, desire, lust. Things I haven’t felt in such a long time.

We enter the elevator—our nemesis. Sebastian hits the button for the top floor and then holds me tighter to his side.

“You don’t have to keep doing that. I’m warm.”

“I know.” His answer is confusing; I have no idea what that means.

I stare ahead as the numbers climb, his arm feeling surprisingly perfect around me, even if he’s turning my hormones upside down with need. The numbers jump from ten to the eleventh floor, and I panic. I don’t want to be stuck in an elevator alone with Sebastian. Not when we are soaked. Not when both of our minds are on the reckless thing we just did. Reckless because we were naked, and it spurred our desire, not because I was afraid we’d get caught.

“I think for once I’m hoping it will get stuck,” Sebastian whispers in my ear, his voice somehow dropping an octave.

“Oh yea, why’s that?” My voice grows raspy as I speak.

“I’m pretty sure I’ll win our bet if we get stuck.”

Just then, the doors open on the top floor. “Maybe you’ll have better luck next time.”

We step out. Sebastian’s arm is no longer around me as I strut to the door and pull the room key out of my pocket. It flashes green, and then I step inside, feeling burning hot even though I’m dripping wet.

“What are we doing now?” Sebastian asks, making me jump.

I turn around to face him. “What do you mean?”

“You’re in charge of all our activities. What are we doing now?”

I’m staring at his chest again. Damn, he has a nice chest. Why does he have to have such a nice chest?

“Millie, does the next activity involve us ogling each other? If so, you need to remove a layer of clothing to make it fair.” He winks at me.

I breathe again. The shiver returns.

“I think I should be the one to decide the evening’s activities, or at least tonight’s activity,” Sebastian says.

And just like that, my breath is gone again. I nod.

He laughs.