“I’m hard because of you. I’m extremely attracted to you, Millie. All of you. Your natural beauty. Your freckles. Your sparkling green eyes. Your full breasts. Your curvy hips. And your ass—god, your ass might be my favorite part of you. I wish I could remember how it felt in my hands.”

My mouth falls open.

And he takes a step back, his hand falling away from my chin. I don’t know if he’s stepping back because he wants me to get a better look at his body or because he needs to put distance between us, so he doesn’t jump me.

Silently, he turns and gets dressed. I do my best not to stare. Not to crave him. Not to want him.

“Moron,” I whisper under my breath.

“What was that?”

“I said, moron.”

He buttons his jeans. “You called me a moron, why?”

“Just ensuring that I win our little bet.”

He laughs hard. The muscles in his belly contract, drawing my attention to them, until I see his smile that reaches up to his crystal blue eyes.

He takes my breath away; that’s how good looking he is.

“Jerk,” I say.

And it makes him laugh again.

“You are something else, Millie Raine.”

I blush but don’t respond.

He grabs a T-shirt and finally puts it on. Then he finishes his look with a worn-out baseball cap. He zips up his bag and then turns to me.

“Where is your bag?”

I pick up my backpack. “Right here.” I sling it over my shoulder.

He frowns. “That’s your suitcase? How are you going to survive a week in Hawaii?”

“I only packed enough for two overnights, so I didn’t need much.”

He holds up his rolling suitcase on wheels. “This is a normal size suitcase for a weekend trip.”

I shrug. “I travel light. And all I need when we get to Hawaii is a swimsuit anyway.”

“Hopefully one of those red thong bikinis that cover practically nothing?”

I laugh. “Nope, a full wetsuit that covers every bit of me.”

His smile drops before he recovers. “That’s okay, I like the catsuit look as well.”

He rolls his suitcase out while I carry my backpack. We take the elevator down, both of us staring intently at the numbers as we descend. The doors finally open on the bottom floor, and we both exhale a deep breath at the same time and then laugh at how ridiculous we are being. We were trapped in an elevator for all of two minutes. It wasn’t a big deal.

As we walk to the lobby, cheering starts in along with bubbles floating all around us. Apparently, the wedding party has decided to wish us well on our way.

Before I realize what’s happening, Sebastian takes my hand in his. Just like the last time he touched my hand, there’s a spark follow

ed by a warmth spreading through my body.

It’s just because our hands fit together so well, that’s all. There is nothing else to read into.