Where the hell am I?

I glance down at myself—I’m naked, which is normal. I always sleep in the nude. When I shift in the bed, my back creaks. This mattress is far too soft for me, and I know when I stand up, I’m going to have a massive crick in my neck and back.

But that won’t be the only thing hurting. I turn my head just slightly, and the pounding headache I’m rewarded with terrifies me.

Not because of the pain. I can handle a little pain. But because what the clues all lead to—the headache, the tiredness, the loss of memory. They all point to one thing—I drank last night.

That’s not who I am anymore. I thought I was past this part of my life.

I turn my head, and the culprit of my drinking snores next to me—Millie Raine.

I always knew a woman would be my downfall. I just didn’t expect sweet Millie Raine to be the one to take me down. But apparently, she did.

I smile, looking at her drooling on her pillow as she sleeps soundly, most likely sleeping off her own hangover. For a moment, she looks peaceful and happy. And falling off the wagon almost seems worth it since I get to wake up next to her this morning.

I got Millie Raine in my bed. What could be better? The only problem is I don’t remember what happened last night. I don’t remember our first kiss. I don’t remember how her body felt in my hands. I don’t remember what thrusting inside of her felt like. I don’t remember my one night with Millie. And as badly as I want it, there won’t be a second night. That’s my rule, and it’s kept me safe thus far.

Millie is the reason I’m drunk; I remember her offering me a drink. I remember Oaklee pushing me to drink in the limo. Women are my downfall. And as much as I want Millie, I need to get as far away from here as possible. I can’t have a second night where I get to remember. Hopefully, with time my memory of tonight will come back, and I can relive last night over and over. But for now, Millie is off-limits.

Suddenly, Millie’s eyes fly open as if she knew I was staring at her.

She smiles at me at first, like she’s happy that I’m here in bed with her, but it won’t last. The rational side of her brain will return soon, and the happy memories will disappear.

Her smile drops suddenly, and she sits up quickly before realizing that might not be a good idea. She grips her pounding head.

I sit up slowly next to her.

“How are you feeling?” I ask.

“Like I got run over by an elephant. My head is pounding. My body aches everywhere. I’m afraid if I breathe too hard, whatever poison is in my stomach is going to explode everywhere.”

I laugh. “Same.”

Her eyes turn to me as she takes in my naked chest. Her eyes run over every ridge, every hard line, every muscle.

I hold my breath as she examines me, but I can feel the heat bouncing from her eyes. Her fingers are itching to touch me, and if I let myself breathe, I know I’m going to let h

er. That is the absolute last thing I should be doing.

Finally, her gaze meets my eyes, and she blushes.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”

“Yes, you did.”

She clears her throat, but it does nothing to reduce the blush to her face. “So, uh, what happened?”

“What happened?” I cock my head, making her spell it out.

“Did we…?”

“Did we, what?”

“Did we have sex?” She finally gets the words out.

I smirk. “I’m completely naked. And you are wearing my shirt and boxers.”

She stares down at herself for the first time, taking in my clothes she’s wearing.