We fit perfectly. Most women are too short, too skinny. But Millie’s body curves into mine, filling every hard inch of me with her softness.

It’s unnerving how well our bodies fit, when it’s so clear that we don’t belong together.

“No, focus.” Millie swipes at my arm, forcing me to let go of my hold on her.

I put my hands in my pockets as I stare at Oaklee with a fruity drink sitting at the bar. She’s mindlessly drinking through the straw as she stares off into space.

I glance behind me, where Boden is taking his damn time getting a room.

It’s clear to me what needs to happen next, but I want to know what Millie thinks.

“Do you think they belong together?” I ask.

“Yes, of course.”

God, she’s a romantic.

I roll my eyes.

“Do you?” She pushes back.

“No. I thought this marriage was destined to fail after six months. I’m glad they figured it out before signing the damn papers.”

Her head snaps back like I just crushed all her little romantic dreams. “But they’ve been together five years. They met in grad school and started dating their final year. They moved to Santa Barbra together. Traveled the world together. They belong together.”

“Doesn’t matter.” I shake my head.

“So you don’t believe in love?”

I sigh. Now she wants to get all philosophical on me. And the more I talk, the more I show how different we are, the more likely it is that we will be spending the night apart. I’ll be with Boden trying to keep him from blowing all his money gambling or on strippers. She’ll be holding Oaklee’s hair back after she drinks too much and keeping her from drunk dialing all her exes.

Either way I slice it, tonight is not going to go well so I might as well tell Millie exactly what I think.

“I believe love between two adults doesn’t last. Oaklee and Boden were in love at one point. But people grow, they change, their annoying habits set in and they realize that whatever love they felt has a limit. Fairytale romance doesn’t exist. The only love that is real and everlasting is between a parent and child.”

Millie glares at me. “You’re so cynical. Just because you haven’t found love, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. What about your brother? Isn’t he happily married??


“Kade and Larkyn are the exception to the rule. And they only truly work because they have kids and work hard to make it work. They don’t stay together because of how in love they are.”

Millie raises an eyebrow. “Who is the woman, and what did she do to hurt you?”

I chuckle. “Why do you think I was hurt by a woman to feel this way?”

“Just a hunch.”

“Well, you’re wrong.”

“So what do we do with Oaklee and Boden? Get Boden a stripper while I hope there is enough alcohol for Oaklee to drown out her pain?” Millie asks with plenty of snark.

“No, we lock them in their suite together and force them to hash things out.”

Millie blinks rapidly at me.

“What?” I say.

“You just surprise me, that’s all. I assumed you thought their relationship was a lost cause.”