I think I have an erection but cannot be certain. I begin to marvel at the expertise used in binding me...just tight enough for the pain to slowly build...but not so tight that I will faint or black out from extreme agony.

The time passes and the practicality of the rubber floor becomes even more apparent. If I must relieve myself I will helplessly sit in my own excretions, like a child wetting the bed. At a later time the rubber is easily cleansed and will not absorb moisture.

I hear the door open. Rubber soled shoes pad almost noiselessly on the rubber covered floor. There is the froufrou caused by a crisp uniform. There is a pause. I feel momentary pressure on my left testicle cord. Someone brushed against it to approach my rear. I feel the wet coolness of an alcohol swab under my left hip at the top of my buttock...then a stab of pain. Another Thorazine injection. Fingers toy with my foreskin. Feminine fingers. I hear soft girlish laughter. I have indeed been erect. The unknown injectionist departs.

Time stands still. In the dark silence there is only the building pain.

Chapter Fifteen

Dr. Corrothers

The file of Ted Dalton sits on my desk. It contains some notes from the ASBM removal team, Dr. Reinhold, observations from Naomi, but mainly the faxed questionnaire completed by Mrs. Dalton. I also have her application in joining the American Society for Behavior Modification some five years ago.

I begin with her. A physically imposing yet handsome woman with a high pressure career as a litigator. Undergraduate of Bucknell. Law degree from Yale. Seems she enjoys tearing up her male counterparts in the courtroom. Yes. Very Dominant.

Then this Ted Dalton. A typical latent submissive. Excels in a position of service and seems to be a rather randy individual...caught in flagrante delicto with a professional dominatri

x...tsk, tsk.

‘Naughty boy, Ted,’ I think to myself. But it’s certainly the type of behavior we can alter and mold to the good.

Now for the questionnaire.

The goals of Mrs. Dalton are commonplace. Dedication, loyalty, complete subservience. But the physical alterations are on the extreme side. Slightly past what I would consider moderate. However, Nurse Jasmine and Dr. Reinhold are experienced and all will be done...over time. Modifying males is akin to making good wine.

I buzz the powerful nurse on the intercom.

“This new patient, Ted Dalton, Jasmine. I assume you’ve begun working his scrotum but his alteration also calls for extensive tongue modification. I’m going to see him in a few minutes to begin psych preparation. Afterwards it may be the best time to begin your oral efforts.”

She concurs. I will need to talk to Mr. Dalton. A tongue clamp makes that difficult.

I continue reading, organize my thoughts then leave the comfort of my spacious office.

In arriving at Mr. Dalton’s room I pause to read notes written by the duty nurse. A clipboard hanging on the door provides the time he was placed in bondage, the time and dosage of Thorazine injections, general observations. A well-concealed peephole above the clipboard permits constant monitoring. Though Mr. Dalton may feel isolated in his austere and soundless room, he is in fact routinely observed every 15 minutes. There are also the concealed microphones and video camera. Extreme bondage needs careful monitoring and that’s the only level of restraint we know of on Constancia Island.

I enter. There is no need to knock. I see a typical ASBM referral...a 32 year old male in good physical condition, his erect penis announcing for all to see his enjoyment in being stripped naked and cruelly bound by the Dominant female. I have seen so many over my years as a clinical psychologist. And a wry smile comes to my lips when I think I used to ‘treat’ such a condition as if it was a disease.

And now I relish the condition, working so hard with Dr. Reinhold to ensure that rather than ‘cure’ the submissive tendencies, we enhance and modify such to make sure the Dominant female partner is sublimely pleased. There is not much we cannot accomplish with the time and resources at our disposal.

Mr. Dalton’s body has been depilated giving him the look of a boy. It’s more antiseptic that way, particularly when being whipped and flogged. Hair is dirty and the numerous abrasions from flagellation heal better without its presence. Dr. Reinhold has done her usual good job with the nipple badges. The pink areolas, fluffed by the deeply penetrating bar beneath and gathered to a point by the circular badges, seem to beg for attention.

He does not move or acknowledge my presence. The dark silence combined with the drug has that effect...sometimes the patient slips into another world. It’s my job to find all about that world and make it reality.

The clipboard indicates he’s been in extreme bondage for nearly two hours. He unwittingly maintains his erection due to his high hormone level having been kept chaste since his extraction from New York more than four days ago, the endorphins flowing in reaction to the pain, and in general his psyche...the humiliation of being trussed up naked by a woman.

“Good morning, Mr. Dalton. I am Dr. Corrothers. I see you are enjoying yourself.”

The toe of my leather boot jostles his erect penis to emphasize my point. I also roll his left nipple in my right thumb and forefinger. His penis bobs in reaction. He tries to nod and the nose bridle painfully truncates the motion of his head. I smile with his grimace.

“Nurse Jasmine is known to be strict with her bonds. Some men enjoy good tight bondage. Do you Mr. Dalton? You’re painfully restrained, your testicles are being stretched, you’re stripped naked for all the women here to observe, yet your penis is most stiff. Why is that?”

I move to the only piece of furniture in the room, other than the supply cabinet. I sit in the comfortable chair with pad and retract my pen. These sessions are fascinating and I have written many articles for the Journal of the ASBM based on counseling previous patients. The fact is, most men do not understand their need to submit. Don’t have a clue. And I delight in the fact that it sometimes requires many sessions, over many days, to ferret the truth. The whole time they are kept in tight bondage, of course, though Jasmine most creatively changes the positions to keep the patient mentally challenged.

“You may speak.”

The Thorazine so nicely subjugates the mind. Mentally I have a little lamb, which I must guide about. Despite my prodding questions and provocative statements, he would not say a word without encouragement...or perhaps in his mind permission.

He says nothing. Is he being obstinate? Or is the Thorazine level a little too high?