So, another young male’s fate is decided in a moment’s time as Dr. Helga’s pen records Lady Constance’s edicts. I wonder if the males realize the gravity of Lady Constance’s decision and how it will affect their remaining lives.

We proceed to acquisition number three and I look back to see porter number two dutifully licking the hairless scrotum of the first candidate. It is evident that his charge is to keep the penis erect sans ejaculation and he has obviously been well trained for the task as he works around the sensitive tip.

Over the next thirty minutes we circle the pool stopping before each stanchion. Dr. Helga recites. Lady Constance pontificates. Dr. Helga records and another young male will be banded according to the whim of the most Dominant woman in the world. Three of the remaining four are designated as farm beasts. The other, having ‘good thighs and buttocks’, will be trained as a pony.

When finished we sit at a table at the pool side. Porter number one serves sandwiches as we gaze across the pool and watch porter number two move about, orally stimulating the freely hanging males and keeping their stiff members pointing skyward.

Lady Constance makes a humorous comment about the beautiful scenery and the number of feet of erect penis surrounding our table. Dr. Helga laughs and I smile politely, simultaneously overwhelmed yet remaining attentive. I rationalize by telling myself that I am obligated by my research to observe and mentally gather in one of the most decadent scenes in memory.

“You may find the porter’s teasing tongue to be cruel, Doctor. But keep in mind, for them it’s their last full erection. I’ll let them enjoy it for awhile.”

A pleasant lunch ensues. But for the distraction of porter number two moving from stanchion to stanchion, humbly kneeling and semi-fellating Lady Constance’s suspended acquisitions, one would consider our meal to be just an informal social gathering. A variety of topics are discussed and the conversation ends when Jasmine appears. She is wearing her white nurse’s uniform, similar to that worn when I first met her in New York. In her hand is a coil of rope.

“Good afternoon, Jasmine. I guess you know there’s work to be done.”

Jasmine nods with a smile of anticipation. The display of the half dozen erect yet helpless phalli seems to stir something within her.

“Six circumcisions. I can’t think of a nicer way to spend an afternoon.”

“That first one, the sex offender. No anesthetic for him, Jasmine.”

Jasmine acknowledges Lady Constance’s command and moves to the hanging naked males. She mercilessly slaps down the erect penis of the sex offender, then releases him from the stanchion, her powerful arms slowly lowering him to the cement pool deck.

“Hold still,” she barks, as if the harness would permit any motion.

The young male is positioned on his stomach, while Jasmine deftly loops the rope first around his scrotum, then the flaccid penis and then back around the scrotum. It is a well-practiced procedure and reminds me of watching a cowboy in a rodeo.

She next uncoils the rope and moves to suspended male number two, again slaps down the erection, lowers him to the deck and loops the rope around his privates.

Jasmine’s impressive strength is displayed when she releases the final four and, utilizing the steel ring at the top of the harnesses, drags them with one massive arm so that she can align them with the first two and hogtie their genitals with the continuous length of rope.

Porter number one clears our table. Dr. Helga excuses herself suggesting that much work needs to be done. Lady Constance announces that our tour should begin. As we arise, Jasmine releases the ankles of the six acquisitions.

“Time to leave, gentlemen. Walk carefully. Remember that the rope is tied around Lady Constance’s property and you’ll do well to treat it accordingly...., up!”

Stiff muscles slowly react. But eventually the harnessed males stand and a smirking Jasmine walks, rope in hand, toward the far end of the pool. There porter number two opens a gate and one by one as the rope tightens, the hooded naked males follow the tugs on their most precious parts. The amazing Jasmine has roped and restrained six potent males, which she is leading on a long leash, but to where? Obsequiously and clumsily they journey toward the end of normal sexual masculinity.

Chapter Seven

I stop in the house to use the facilities and coat myself with sun lotion. The rays of the sun are strong and my years of laboring indoors over books, manuscripts and research papers make sudden exposure to ultra violet light uncomfortable and unhealthy. I marvel at Lady Constance’s tan and the way the sun has turned her beautiful breasts into a golden brown with complementary beige nipples. When I walk out the front entrance I am somewhat heartened to see that the shawl has been discarded and she is once again almost naked.

Botana has brought back the chariot team and they appear refreshed and offer no ascertainable resistance to being harnessed once again to the ornate vehicle. She begins to toy with the penis of the right pony but Lady Constance intercedes. Making her prize team stand seems to be a labor of love and, judging from the timely manner in which the two huge beasts come to near full erection, it appears they enjoy displaying themselves for her.

I step into the chariot and Lady Constance joins me. The scrotal cords are secured, the whip flicks and once again our diabolic vehicle rolls. I look down to see remnants of lubricant smeared around the inner most portion of the buttocks of the right pony. It appears that Botana had indeed plugged our two steeds and was provided with little notice of our planned excursion, thus she must have quickly retrieved the devious instruments and readied the team for travel.

Since Estovia is situated on high ground, the chariot easily accelerates to meet Lady Constance’s desired speed as we move down hill and turn away from the road leading to the dock. Within a minute we encounter Jasmine and Dr. Helga in the heavier chariot. Sauntering at a limited pace, in tow are the six male acquisitions, still blinded by their hoods and struggling to time their steps so as to limit the tension on the rope securing their genitals.

Lady Constance laughs and waves as she skillfully tugs on the reins, flicks he

r whip on the right penis then the left and passes the slower vehicle.

“We’ll stop at the medical facility on the way back. By then there should be much to observe. But first the farm, then the power plant and I always enjoy walking my team on the beach. It’s good for their feet.”

Coming at us from the opposite direction is a small cart. As it nears, the form of Motamba comes into focus, seated with crop in hand. A moderate sized pony boy, sweating and running in earnest, is pulling. His naked form is secured between two horizontal poles emanating from the front. His labored breathing can be heard as the cart nears, the flow of air over and around the bit producing a noticeable wheezing sound. Still, Motamba firmly strokes the buttocks and the eyes of her pony boy roll with renewed efforts. She waves as the cart passes.

“She’ll be preparing a nice dinner for us Doctor, and I hazard to guess she’s late.”

We continue at top speed and I marvel at the conditioning of our ponies. They have run full out from the moment we left the house and we have traversed the island’s roads for some ten minutes without respite. Finally, Lady Constance pulls to the right and we enter what appears to be a little used road.