I let the boys entertain me while the email message appears on the screen. It is from Dr. Corrothers, Constancia Island.

“Just keep him nice and hard, Anthony. If he wants to come he’ll have to pay you.”

I turn my attention to the computer screen.

To: Virginia Dalton, Esq.

Re: Theodora Dalton

This communication is to inform you that the behavior of your husband has been successfully modified in accordance with your wishes and in conformity with the questionnaire you submitted.

As you are aware, after breaking all physical resistance, he has also been psychologically transformed and now places the pleasures and desires of the female well above his own. It appears that our procedures have been so effective that required future doses of Thorazine may be quite limited or even eliminated entirely.

For the past two months, Theodora has served as a maid in Lady Constance’s home. As you probably suspected there was already quite a propensity for service in his psychological make up, thus we merely had to mold it to properly conform with the desires of the Dominant female. And train him in the basics of cosmetics, dress and feminine deportment.

In my opinion he is ready to resume being of service to you.

As recommended and discussed in the American Society for Behavior Modification guidelines, we suggest an annual refresher training period at Constancia Island or another ASBM facility...a bi-annual refresher at the minimum.

Other important procedures during his initial indoctrination to your service will be; interaction with other women, both Dominant and vanilla; exposure to high pressured situations to place stress on his gender identification; introduction, forced if need be, to potentially embarrassing and humiliating encounters with the vanilla world.

Please note that if you intend to have Theodora return to New York by commercial flight, he will need new identification. We can provide basic feminine attire for his journey.


Dr. Stella Corrothers

How heartwarming! Theodora, to be known as my companion not my husband, will be returning. I step away and slip the blindfold over the doorman’s bugging eyes, then toss away my towel. I now stand naked myself...and very much aroused in thoughts of my new subservient and well trained ‘companion’.

I sit at my nearby desk and slide open the top drawer. There lies Theodora’s new passport. The photo sent by email from Constancia Island shows my ‘companion’ with nicely coifed shoulder length hair, moderate make up and ear rings. In his absence I completed the paper work for his new identification as attorney-in-fact for my ‘recuperating’ husband. The bureaucracies of government have come to accept the gender obfuscation of the transsexual world. Even the flight attendant’s union administratively ‘shrugged off’ my request to have Theodora’s status changed.

Theodora will indeed be introduced to potentially embarrassing and humiliating encounters with the vanilla world. He will continue to work dressed as a woman. The thought arouses me even more.

“Come here Anthony. Momma has something for you.”

I sit with my thighs parted. A sightless Anthony crawls and I grab his ears to guide him to my sex. As his lips and tongue work, my crop hand can not only reach Mr. Mail Thief’s naked buttocks but also his genitals.

What a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.

Chapter Thirty Three

Theodora Dalton

As I apply my make up, I cannot help looking into the mirror and recalling that wonderful day two months before when I was released from the relentless physical bondage.

“This will hurt.”

I cringed with Dr. Reinhold’s words. There had been so many occurrences of great pain during my four months on Constancia Island that the forewarning brought fear.

Dr. Reinhold was finally removing my nose bridle and the rounded studs had nestled so deeply into my sinuses. Nurse Jasmine most firmly held my head utilizing my lengthy hair. A small circular saw, a Dremel tool, ground away at the small steel bar penetrating my septum. The friction caused heat. The heat indeed caused pain. But I bore it all knowing that the grotesque but most effective implement of control would finally be removed.

With the cutting completed, the doctor tugged and I felt a most discernible pop as for the first time since arriving on the island, my left nostril was to freed to inhale oxygen. My eyes watered with the intense pain and the doctor quickly pulled at the right post to complete the removal.

I fruitlessly struggled against the grip of the puissant Nurse Jasmine. But she continued to hold me. The doctor was not through.

“This will serve to keep the opening clear.”

She held up a small bar with beads on each end. Her deft fingers worked to release one bead then insert the bar into the opening which months before was cruelly crafted through the cartilage separating my nostrils.