But it’s too soon. The possibility that she’s bottling something — or everything — inside is what’s keeping me on the edge. That’s never a good sign and will eventually backfire.

“Your obsession is showing, Jonathan.” Aiden focuses on me for a second, smirks, then slides his attention back to the board.

“Can you blame him?” Levi waggles his brows. “What’s up with her knee, though?”

“Why the fuck have you been looking at her knee?” I rip my gaze away from her to glare at my nephew.

“It’s innocent, Uncle.”

“Innocent or not, do not look at her. That applies to you, too, Aiden.”

My son lifts his shoulder. “I don’t take orders, Jonathan.”

“Well, you will now. Is that understood?”

“Does that mean you’ll beat him up? Can I watch? Or maybe participate?” Levi’s gaze sparks.

Aiden flips him off discreetly, but I see it.

“I must admit. I like this side of you, Uncle. It’s more human. You weren’t this way with Alicia.”

“No, he wasn’t.” There’s no maliciousness in Aiden’s voice, as if he merely intends to relay facts. “Is it true that she’s becoming like Alicia? Aurora, I mean.”

I take a sip of my drink, letting the burn settle in before I speak, “How do you know about that?”

“She told me so herself.”

“Since when did you two start to talk?”

“Since I can use her to bring you down.”

My lips twitch. “Maybe in the next life, son.”

“Whatever.” Aiden twirls a knight chess piece between his fingers. “So is she?”


“Well, shit.” Levi’s voice lowers. “Is it genetic?”

“No clue yet, but probably.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t taken her to the doctor.” Aiden kills one of Levi’s pawns with his knight.

“Yeah, Uncle. Doctors are your modus operandi, aren’t they? First Alicia, then Dad, then me.”

“If there’s need for outside help that’s exactly what will happen.” I take another sip of my cognac.

“Why didn’t you do it with her, then?” Aiden motions his head in Aurora’s direction.

“She would throw a tantrum.”

Levi chuckles. “Whoa. Has the great Jonathan King finally met his match?”

“Looks like it.” Aiden gives me an undecipherable glance.

“Don’t you have a game to focus on? Your right is exposed, Aiden. Your queen is in jeopardy, Levi.”

Both their demeanours sharpen as their attention shifts back to the chessboard. Now that they realise the other party is aware of their weakness, they need to give their all to win the game.