He can’t break what’s already broken.

His fingers trail down from my ribs to my stomach, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Then he cups me through my underwear.

I don’t stiffen. I don’t even try to wiggle free. It doesn’t matter, because he can’t get to me.

The few sexual encounters I’ve had were complete disasters. One of them even said, “You’re dry as a desert.” Then he soaked me in lube so he could get inside.

There’s nothing Jonathan could do to change that. Sexual pleasure was purged out of me when I saw those vacant eyes.

So, in a way, Jonathan got defective goods.

Good luck with all the lube.

“You’re telling me you’re dead here?” His grip tightens. “Maybe I should find out.”

“Show me your worst.”



Jonathan wraps a strong, merciless hand around my wrist and tugs.

I follow his lead and stumble, ending up flush against his side. Even though he’s sitting, it’s almost as if he’s towering over me.

“Lie on my lap. Face down.”

I swallow at the command in his tone. The man was born to lead armies and control people.


“Quit the habit of asking questions when around me. I don’t answer them and they just make your situation worse.”

“I have the right to know.” Besides, the position he’s suggestion isn’t normal. Right?

“You already agreed to this, remember? The only right you have is to follow orders.”

Ugh. The infuriating tyrant.

He presses his thumb against my clit, which I assume is a warning. “Now, are you going to lie on my lap or should I make you? Disclaimer: the second option won’t be pretty.”

I swallow at the bleak promise in his tone. If I’m going to spend six months with him, I really need to pay more attention to picking my battles. “Fine. Let me go.”

He tightens his grip on my sex for good measure. It’s not meant to please, but as a stern non-verbal warning.

Inhaling deeply, I lean forward and lie on his lap. I don’t miss how my arse is now in the air like that of a disobedient, naughty child. My movements are awkward as my breasts and stomach lie flush against his hard thighs.

It doesn’t matter which position he has me in, Jonathan King won’t be able to get to me.

A peaceful aura envelops me at that reminder, even when he slides my dress up to the small of my back. Cool air hits my thighs, and goosebumps break out on my flesh.

It’s only because of the air.

Just the air.

His long, lean fingers glide my underwear down my thighs so I’m completely naked from the waist down.

I try not to think about the view he’s seeing. The vulnerability of the situation grates on my nerves. This is the last position I want to be in with anyone, let alone Jonathan. Which was probably his plan all along.