This is my only chance to save the livelihood of hundreds of workers, their families, their futures, and their debts — that they funnel for these rich people. They say you always have a choice, but distinguishing between those choices is never clear cut.

Making decisions is even more difficult. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t have stepped a foot here. If it were up to me, I would’ve avoided this circle of people like the plague.

The groom lifts his head and I slowly retreat behind a young couple who are laughing

. Xander Knight, the son of the secretary of state, and a green-haired girl, who, if I remember correctly, is the daughter of a famous artist and a diplomat.

They’re university kids. Just like the happy couple who got married today.

When I first heard they were both nineteen going on twenty, I admit to being surprised. I didn’t realise kids these days married so young. I’m twenty-seven and it’s not even on my radar. Not that it ever will be.

I’m defective, and I won’t inflict my atypical life on anyone.

But hey, I’m thankful they chose to get married now. It’s given me a straight opening to this scene that I would’ve never dreamt of walking into.

Even if Agnus had helped beyond inviting me, he wouldn’t have presented me the chance to have a meeting with the great Ethan Steel, even if I’d offered my body.

Not that I would.

This is my perfect opportunity.

Today is the union of two powerful families in the United Kingdom. Ethan Steel’s daughter is marrying Jonathan King’s son.

In other words, the long, ruthless rivalry between the two ex-friends, Ethan and Jonathan, is coming to an end.

King Enterprises and Steel Corporation are turning the page with their children’s union. They even joined forces for a partnership with the family business of Tristan Rhodes’s — the duke I saw earlier.

Or that’s what the magazines say. In reality, it could be something entirely different.

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in my life, it’s that the truth isn’t always what it seems. Especially with the powerful and the mighty.

The people who have money and influence pumped through their veins instead of blood think differently than the rest of us peasants. They act differently too, which is why I need to be careful.

I can’t be caught.

Especially not now.

I do another discreet sweep of the guests, searching for Agnus. There’s no trace of him or Ethan. Could they be in a private meeting?

No. The prime minister, the duke, the earl, and the Secretary of State are outside. Since Agnus and Ethan belong to their closest circle, they wouldn’t leave them out. Did they perhaps go to the other side of the garden?

I need to get this over with and leave before I meet him.

Or worse, before he recognises me.

I can’t stress enough that I cannot be caught. It’ll blow everything up in smoke.

That’s the only downside of coming here instead of scheduling a meeting in Steel Corporation. I have better chances of striking a deal, but there’s also the risk of confronting him.

Sucking deep breaths through my nose then mouth, I smooth down my black mermaid dress with a double deep V at the front and back. It shows a bit of skin, but not too much, and moulds against my curves perfectly. I’ve accentuated the look with the pearls my best friend got me for my birthday.

My hair is tied elegantly at my nape and my makeup is bold — red lipstick, heavy eyeliner, and too much mascara. It’s nothing like I would normally wear on a day-to-day basis.

Living my whole life in the shadows has taught me to never stand out. If I do, it’s game over.

Today, I’ve had to go against my core survival method for a different survival game.

My appearance suits being on Agnus Hamilton’s arm. Not that the man knows how to compliment, but considering his position in the great scheme of things, I needed to look the part of his date.