Xander: He’s been MIA for an entire day. Do you think he’s dead? Should we file a missing person report?

Aiden: Damn. There should have been someone who filmed the whole murder scene.

Ronan: I’m here. I’m not dead, but you all will be next time I see you. And no, there was no murder scene.

Xander: So? What happened? Since when do you like suspense?

Ronan: I can’t hear you over the halo clouding my head. Piss off.

Cole: I guess that means it went well?

Ronan: Well? Try fantastic. Try...adventurous.

Aiden: A threesome?

Ronan: Fuck you, King. I wouldn’t share my Teal, even if I was offered the world.

Cole: La Débauche?

Ronan: Ding, ding, ding. One word, fuckers. You need lightening years to reach my level.

Ronan: Time for round two.

* * *

Aiden: How do you know if your wife is cheating on you?

Cole: Easy. You don’t know.

Xander: Elsa is cheating on you?

Ronan: Hold my fucking beer. This shit is interesting. Is it me? Did she say my name while asleep? I knew she couldn’t have possibly gotten over me.

Xander: And me. I know I should be sorry, but I’m kind of not.

Aiden: Shut the fuck up, both of you.

Cole: What happened?

Aiden: She’s spending more time with him than with me.

Xander: That’s bad.

Aiden: And she ignores me when he’s around.

Ronan: May he rest in peace. That is, if you didn’t kill him already.

Aiden: That’s the thing. I can’t kill him.

Xander: Why not? I’d do it in a heartbeat if anyone took up Kim’s time.

Ronan: Who is it? We’ll do it for you. Lars learnt how to hide bodies.

Cole: It’s Eli.

Xander: WHAT? You’re jealous of your own fucking son, King?

Aiden: He takes her time and he’s being a little shit about it, making a face at me behind her back.