I have no doubt that Teal will kick arse as a mother. It’s not that she doesn’t care, it’s that she’s selective when it comes to the ones she cares about, and I’m positive that our child will make the top of that list. After me, of course.

“Didn’t you say we should wait?” I ask. “Are you okay with it?”

She nods frantically. “I can’t wait when it comes to you, Ronan. You make me want to burn every obstacle in the way as long as you’re by my side.”

“That’s because you’re smart as fuck, ma belle. You know what’s up.”

She laughs, her dark eyes sparkling.

I place my hand on her stomach. “So our offspring is in here?”

“Yes. If he or she is anything like you, we’re going to have our hands full.”

“Hey! I was a good boy. Ask Lars. Actually, no, I gave him hell whenever he made me drink milk. Ask Mum. She’ll tell you how much of a good boy I was.”

“You mean, I should ask the same Charlotte who’s always on your side, no matter what you do?”

“I’m her miracle, love. She has to be on my side. That’s how it works.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

“Not more than this.” I keep touching her stomach, trying to find something, anything. “Are you sure there’s a living being here?”

“Yeah, it just doesn’t show now.”

“Shit. Does this mean I shouldn’t have fucked you yesterday?”

“Elsa mentioned that the doctor said it was fine.”

“Thank fuck for that.” I grin. “Because I’m in the mood to celebrate.”



Age Twenty-eight

It might be ten years overdue, but Aiden finally got punched again. I didn’t do it in front of our wives, because they tend to be soft and have zero tolerance for violence.

While I don’t prefer it either, I wasn’t going to sit still after I learnt about the actual truth of what happened ten years ago.

Aiden staggers to his feet, clutching his nose — that I think is broken, by the way. “What the fuck was that for?”

My fists are still clenched at my sides as I stare him down. We’re at his office after a business meeting with both Jonathan King and Ethan Steel. I was biding my time until they left before I punched him. I figured his father and his father-in-law wouldn’t stand for it while I beat him to a pulp.

Not even the meeting could’ve cooled me down. Ever since I accidentally heard Elsa apologise to Silver, I couldn’t stay still.

“I didn’t know you thought you were pregnant back then.” Elsa’s face paled as she held Silver by the shoulders, her fingers trembling. “Oh my God, I feel so terrible for hitting you. It’s not just about the pregnancy. I don’t even know what came over me at the time. I overreacted, and I’m so sorry. I’m really, really sorry, Silver.”

My wife laughed and rubbed her arm. “I’ve already forgotten about it. You didn’t know. Not like the arsehole Aiden.”

“Aiden knew?” Elsa shrieked and Silver had to shush her, then take her away.

Aiden knew.

He knew that Silver thought she was pregnant and didn’t stop Elsa until after. He didn’t even tell me, knowing I would have stopped Elsa myself.

This selfish bastard knew and did nothing about it.