Nash vanished. He’s been disappearing without notice a lot lately.

Elsa is nowhere to be seen.

I pull out my phone and read our last conversation.

Elsa: Wait for me at Ronan’s party.

Aiden: No.

Elsa: Come on. Do it for me?

Aiden: Still a no.

Elsa: Please?

Aiden: I’m fucking you all the way to Sunday at the Meet up. You don’t get to change your mind.

Elsa: I didn’t change my mind. You get to fuck me all the way to Sunday and more if you wait at Ronan’s house.

That’s the text that convinced me.

I shouldn’t blame Nash for thinking with his dick when I do the same sometimes.

Okay, most of the time.

Elsa sent that text more than an hour ago, but she’s still not here.

Van Doren is in the middle of the floor, dancing and flirting with all the girls he can see.

His goth sister is tucked in the corner, almost blending in with a plant. If the Marquis de Sade and Snow White had a spawn, it’d be her.

Usually, Elsa would be with them. If she’s not, only one other person remains.

I nudge Knight with my elbow. “Where’s Reed?”

“Fuck if I care.”

“I didn’t ask if you cared, I asked where she is.” I hold up a hand. “And don’t even pretend that you don’t know where she is at all times.”

He gives me one look over. “Even if I knew I wouldn’t tell you. How about that, King?”

The little bitch.

I’m about to strangle the answer out of him when my phone vibrates.

Elsa: Remember our room in Ronan’s place?

I don’t even have to think about which room she’s referring to. There’s only one room in Astor’s mansion that’s completely ours.

“Hey, Knight?”

“What?” He grumbles from his seat next to me. He’s been sitting there like a zombie for the past hour.

“Do you know what Reed said about you the other day?”

His eyes spark for the first time tonight. Sorry fuck.

He masks his reaction all too soon, though. “I don’t care.”