This epilogue is set after the end of Royal Elite Series so all the previous books need to be read before this.


The Proposal



Age Twenty

“This isn’t funny.”

My heart almost beats out of my chest even as I try to keep my voice light-hearted.

The sound of the rain beats down all over the King’s mansion, soaking the fountain in the middle of the back garden and the trees in the distance.

I should’ve known he was up to no good.

Levi is always up to no good.

“Levi?” I call in a hesitant voice as my steps falter near the covered hallway of the King’s mansion.

I search around, expecting one of his distasteful pranks where he jumps me from behind.

I’ll probably never admit this to him, but I love that part of him the most. There’s never a dull moment with him.

He makes my days unforgettable and my nights as thrilling as a rollercoaster ride.

Yesterday, he saw me having lunch with a few of my college friends who somehow all ended up being males. Levi decided to be a dick and kiss me in front of all of them until I had to apologise and leave.

I’m still feeling sore from the way he took me hard and fast against the door as soon as we entered his flat.

It’s his type of punishment. A game he plays with my body that I don’t ever want to end.

As soon as we graduated, Levi chose to live on his own. He still didn’t touch his trust fund and is living off his overflowing career with Arsenal. It amazes me how he can play and study at the same time. I feel so overwhelmed with the art classes alone.

On paper, I still live with Dad, but in reality, I crash in Levi’s flat more often than not.

We practically live together now.

“Are you going to be petty for long?” I ask, rubbing my arms.

A chill covers my bare limbs and it’s not because of the cold. A part of me is bubbling, itching and almost jumping out of my skin for what he plans to do.

Levi might have grown up, but he’s still the same unpredictable arsehole who’s out to flip my world upside down.

The only difference is that I love it. No, I crave it. Sometimes, I feel like his madness mirrors mine.

And when I wake up in the morning with this face next to mine, I say a silent prayer to always wake up next to him.