that dark makeup she usually hides behind. She’s a bit demure today, appearing more compliant, and for some reason, that makes me apprehensive.

All disasters start with a change. Like that night.

I shake my head, pushing that idea away.

Her gaze roams around the room, and it takes her exactly three seconds to find me. The moment her eyes lock onto mine, it’s like the entire world has hushed into the background. There are no sounds, no colours, and no scents.

There’s only her, the girl with odd preferences and a fucking attitude.

But she’s also the girl who deeply cares but doesn’t know how to show it. The girl who keeps checking on Mum and asking me about her favourites because she wants her happy.

The girl who turns into a compliant submissive in bed but is a tigress outside of it.

I’m about to go to her. I don’t know what I’ll do, probably kidnap her to somewhere no one can find us or interrupt us.

Before I can move, some loser from the rugby team intercepts her. Elsa and Kim are already by Aiden and Xan’s sides, kissing like they’re in a low-budget porn.

But I’m not focused on them.

My entire focus is on the fucker who just cut off my eye contact with Teal.

He’s taller than her, so I can’t get a clear view of her expression.

A black halo swirls around my head, refusing to evaporate.

I stride in their direction and barge straight between them. He — David, I think his name is — steps back as if startled.

I grin. “May I help you, David?”

“No, I was just asking Teal about an assignment.”

“This doesn’t look like class, does it?”

Teal tries to elbow my side, but I keep out of her reach and then grab her hand in mine.

David appears flustered, but he holds his ground. The sorry fuck. Why are we even inviting rugby blokes to our parties?

“I was just—”

“Leaving,” I cut him off.

“No. That’s not—”

“In case you haven’t noticed, Teal is taken.” I smile. “In fact, she’s someone’s fiancée — mine. So stay away from her.”

Instead of shutting up and screwing off, he continues speaking. “I think that’s up to her to decide.”

I tug Teal to me, place a hand on her cheek, and slam my lips to hers in one ruthless kiss that makes her gasp. I take the chance and claim her tongue, tasting her as I’ve never done before. I can feel the attention everyone at the party is giving us, and I let them watch the show; I let them know who she belongs to.

Jealous? Me? No, not at all.

I don’t wait for David or anyone else to get into our bubble. The moment my lips leave hers, I drag her behind me and out of the Meet Up. The music and the voices fade more and more the further we stride away. We’re in the car park when she yanks her hand from mine.

“I can’t keep up,” she pants.

“We have to do something about your short legs.” I face her.

She folds her arms over her generous tits. “Maybe we should do something about the caveman scenes. Have you been taking pointers from Aiden or something?”