It’s been a long time — nearly a month. My sexual cravings are going through withdrawals as well. Bringing myself to orgasm doesn’t even count. It’s pathetic compared to Aiden’s intensity.

Of course, I don’t tell him that. But I do throw the covers away because it’s getting too hot.

Another text pings on my screen.

Aiden: I’m fantasising about how to fuck you next time I see you. Against the wall, on the floor, or in a fucking public toilet. So many choices.

He’s so sure I’ll let him fuck me the next time.

Arrogant prick.

Elsa: You said you won’t touch me until I forgive you. I still haven’t.

Aiden: You were given all the reasons to forgive me. Now, you’re just playing hard to get.

Elsa: I’m not.

I really am not. I just want him to feel the weight of his betrayal, to r

ecognise how much he shook my trust. That’s not too much to ask for.

Aiden: Yes, you are. So I’m changing my tactics.

Changing his tactics? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I’m still mulling his words over when another text comes through.

Aiden: Are you wearing the rabbit pjs?

Elsa: No.

Aiden: Hmm. Does that mean you’re wearing nothing?

I smile despite myself. Aiden and his screwed up mind could be weapons of mass destruction.

Elsa: It means I’m wearing something else.

Aiden: Still, you’re naked underneath.

Well, yes. I’m only wearing a cotton nightie and nothing else.

But he doesn’t need to know that.

Aiden: Do you know what I want?

I see the text but I don’t reply.

Still, my nipples tighten against the cloth of my nightdress as the dots appear and disappear.

He’s playing with me.

And it’s turning me on.

The reply doesn’t come through for long seconds. When I think he gave up on replying, another text appears.

Aiden: I want to fuck you so hard in all positions possible and remind you who you belong to. I’ll tongue-fuck you and finger-fuck you and come down your throat. Then I’ll claim that virgin arse for good measure. You’ll be all fucking mine. Every. Last. Inch. Of. You. Oh, and you’ll scream it for the world to hear. Then I’ll bathe you and loosen your muscles just so I can worship your body all over again. When you finally fall asleep it’ll be in my arms with your legs tucked between mine. As you rest, I’ll watch your adorable sleeping face until morning.

A flush covers me from head to toe, under my clothes and over my skin. A jolt of desire engulfs me like a fog, a halo.