Finally, Marco looked over at me weakly, and I nodded. He reached down and full-fledged lifted Willow up, and Gabriel quickly grabbed her legs to restrain her enough to carry her off. Stacy and Denise went to Molly, helping her sit up.

“Let me go!” Willow still put up a fight, even totally restrained.

“Willow, stop!” Gabriel screamed. “Enough. You almost knocked her out.”

“Good! Keep my husband’s name out of your mouth, bitch!” she screeched.

Something happened to me at that moment that I couldn’t name if I trie

d. I knew Willow was mad in part because of what Molly had said about me, but I assumed she was angrier that Molly was rude at all. All of her aggression, all of that unbridled rage, was all because of me?

“You better watch your back,” Molly called over. “Don’t let me catch you walking alone.”

Willow fought against Gabriel and Marco. “I’ll handle you more right now—put me down!”

Gabriel looked over at me. “A little help?”

Molly and Willow had enough space between them now that I felt comfortable going to Willow’s side. The second I moved, Luca did, too, but it was to Molly’s side. Marco and Gabriel set Willow down, and unfortunately for Gabriel, he didn’t get out of the way quickly enough. Willow threw a punch and caught him across the cheek.

“No! Stace!” Denise screamed out.

I looked over, and Stacy was bolting over, her face now full of rage, something I never thought I’d see from her. Fortunately, Gabriel held out an arm and held her back. “Stop. Don’t make it worse. It was my fault.”

I herded myself in front of Willow and wrapped my arms around her. “Hey. Stop. Calm down.”

“She called you—”

“I know. It’s fine. She’s just pissed that you’re above her now. Come on. We can’t make it any worse.”

Willow was shaking with rage in my grip. I could tell that if we stayed standing there, Willow was going to snatch free again, so I started pushing her back toward the house.

“Let me go back,” Willow growled.

“No. We’re done here.”

It took some doing, but I finally got Willow into the house. I grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs and down to our suite. I unlocked the door and damn near tossed her inside. She turned around to face me, threading her fingers into her hair in frustration.

“Look, I’m sor—”

She didn’t even get the full phrase out. I backed her up against the wall, slamming my lips against hers. A buzzing, agitating energy was bouncing all around my body. It would get bigger and bigger and bigger, to the point that it felt like it was going to start to tear my skin open, but it just found a new place to go. I was shaking all over as I pressed my tongue into Willow’s mouth, and she didn’t resist. Instead, her hands rushed up to the jacket of my suit to push it over my shoulders and off. I grabbed the neckline of her blouse and snatched, ripping it down the center. I’d ask her where she got it later to replace it, but I couldn’t be worried about it for the time being, and Willow didn’t seem to care, either. She mimicked my actions, placing her hands into the space between the buttons on my shirt and pulling, sending the small pieces of plastic flying and clattering across the ground.

I lifted Willow off the ground and kicked the door of the bedroom to get it open. The wood splintered and cracked as the door flew open and slammed into the wall. I dropped Willow on the bed and stepped away from her, only to get the rest of my clothes off. Willow did the same, quickly unlacing her bra from her torso before going to her jeans to unbutton them. I took over, reaching down, sliding the fabric down her legs, and throwing them away from us so hard I heard stuff knock over and fall off the vanity behind me.

Willow clawed up my arm, dragging me closer to her until she could pull us back into a kiss. I took hold of my excited length, and when I slipped myself inside, Willow bit down on my bottom lip, hard. Her fingernails dug into the flesh of my back, and her legs clasped behind me. The growls coming out of me weren’t noises I recognized. I had never made them before. Something heightened in me. Something snapped when I realized that Willow’s angry energy was all a result of her wanting to defend me. All I could think about was this. Getting inside of her. Squeezing her breasts in my hands so hard that bruises would be left behind. I wanted to claim her, to make her well and truly mine.

I pulled my lips from Willow’s, but only to find a place on her neck. I returned the bite she’d given my lips, sinking my teeth into her flesh and feeling the way she tightened around me below. I slammed into her at an animalistic pace—rough, hard, needing. Willow took my chin into one of her hands and squeezed. Wherever my mind had gone, hers had clearly come to join me. Neither of us was the person we normally were. We were the carnal versions of ourselves, thinking of nothing but sex. I rolled and brought Willow to straddle me, but the pace didn’t slow. If anything, it picked up. Willow rose and fell at lightning speed, filling the room with the lewd sound of skin slapping against skin.

Her fingers ground into the flesh of my stomach, and her eyes had a fire behind them. My hands nestled into her hips while I relinquished my body to her. She was a witch, and I was her more than willing sacrifice. Time bled together. Had minutes passed? Had hours? It didn’t matter. Willow had reached through me, torn a hole through me, coiled her hand around my heart, and forced it to think of nothing but her.

When a heat started to develop at the base of my stomach, I didn’t even have the words I needed to warn her. Instead, I let her keep going until I was letting out an amalgamated phrase of grunts, groans, and swear words. Willow let out a loud scream of her own, and when she finally stopped moving, it felt like the aftermath of a car accident—the sudden realization of what had just happened, the confusion of trying to figure out what to do next. We looked at each other for answers, but none came. The stillness was too much to bear. My heart pounded so hard that I was certain Willow could hear it. I smoothed my hands up her sides, and carefully, slowly, maneuvered her around to her back.

I kissed a trail from her lips down to her hips, stopping at every important place along the way.

“Sandro,” she moaned, and whether it was meant to stop me or keep me going, I didn’t know, and I didn’t care.

I pulled Willow’s legs over my shoulders and ducked between them. She was still a mess from the ring of hell we found ourselves in, but the sight of it, the smell of it, wrapped around me and dragged me in. Willow’s moans were music to my ears as I tasted her. I loved the way her fingers sewed into my curls and pushed, demanding more. She would get as much as she wanted. I had to repay her. I had to give her back at least a strand of the love she showed when she socked Molly across the face. The scene played back in my head and already had excitement shooting south. I danced my tongue over Willow, into Willow, until I thought the flavor was going to remain permanently on my taste buds.

“Baby,” she whimpered.