“You told me about your sisters-in-law. I didn’t want to embarrass myself,” I responded sheepishly.

Gabriel’s head went from side to side slowly. “You’re impossible.”

“So you’ve said.”

“I love you.”

My heart soared. “I love you, too.”

“Then, if you’re willing, I won’t ever let you leave my side again.”


He pulled against me so tight it hurt, but I didn’t care. “I will protect you for the rest of my life.”

I hugged even closer to him. “And I will protect you.”

The rest of our lives. That had a nice ring to it.



Luca was going to get an earful from me. I’d already explained to him that he needed to change his drop. Today was supposed to be one of the happiest nights of my life, and it was cut short by his incessant calling. It made two times my hotel, candles, roses, and lingerie plans had been foiled. He owed me big time. It had been six months since the incident, and if I didn’t walk in and see him tied up again, I was going to rage.

I didn’t knock on his door, just entered instead. Marco and Alessandro were already inside, sitting in their chairs, so I found a place on the couch. “I was busy,” I barked.

“Congrats on your engagement,” Luca replied with a nonchalant smile.

Marco and Alessandro both lit up.

“Wait, really?” Alessandro asked.

I grinned. “Maybe.”

Marco leaned clear out of his chair for a high-five. “That’s what I’m talking about.” He looked back at Luca. “Dragging him here when you knew he was proposing was a low blow. This could have waited.”

“Maybe you forgot what happened in this room six months ago, but I didn’t,” Alessandro retorted on Luca’s behalf. “There’s still a Binachi out there, and I want to feed him to his underlings.”

It was darker than I liked hearing Alessandro talk, but I also couldn’t deny that I felt the same way. All of us did. All of the brothers and all of the wives. For once, we were totally united.

“Still,” Marco moaned, and I appreciated the defense.

“I told her I’m making it up to her tomorrow night, so you all better put in overtime to make sure I don’t get interrupted again,” I grumbled.

Alessandro clutched a hand over his chest. “Little Gabe. Gets his first kill, gets engaged, and suddenly, he’s telling us what we’d better do.” He looked at Luca. “How’s that, bro?”

Luca shook his head. “Gabriel knows I wouldn’t hesitate to knock his block off. I’m letting him run his mouth because it's his engagement night, and I cock-blocked.”

His glare, which was identical to my father’s, fell to me, saying loud and clear, “but don’t push it.” I immediately felt inclined to retreat and apologize like I would have done seven months ago but abstained. I’d gained some ground, and I didn’t instantly want to lose it. When I didn’t fight back, Luca moved on.

“Molly made it to Maine, and things at the border are totally stopped.”

Alessandro nodded. “Willow and I caved it in on Tuesday. It’s dirt and bodies now.”

“Marco?” Luca asked.

Marco immediately fell into rank. “I’ve got the entire security operation shifted and overseeing the new estate. The girls and the kids are safe. I’m getting hourly reports.”