
I had been dragging out the end of my yoga session for the past forty minutes. I knew it was only meant to be an hour and a half long, but I got along with Stacy better than I’d gotten along with any woman I’d ever been with. Plus, she was a stunner who was hard to walk away from. Every time she tried to bring things to a close, I’d pick a different area of my body and ask her if there was a good stretch for it. She didn’t deny my fake curiosities. In fact, if I was reading the situation right, she was just as relieved as I was every time I asked another question.

It had been less than a couple of hours, but the chemistry between us was strong. There was no denying it. The more time pressed on, the more I considered just taking the plunge and asking her out. The only thing holding me back was the fear of rejection. If she said no, I could never come back to this studio. At least if I didn’t push it, I could just continue coming for yoga whenever I had the chance, and maybe something would blossom more naturally.

“I would recommend doing it first thing when you wake up in the morning,” Stacy concluded after showing me a pose that would help with my hips. “Before bed is good, too, but if you overwork yourself, it can be tough on your body when you’re sleeping. At least if you’re waking up for the day, your body can work out any kinks if you hit them. I’d say morning until you’re comfortable, then you can switch to both if you think it’ll help.”

“Okay. Thanks. I know I have a lot of questions. I guess I didn’t expect it to help so much. I just want to have a full arsenal.”

She smiled at me, bridging the silence that now existed between us. She’d concluded the last few moves by starting to walk away, but now she just stood still, eyes flicking everywhere but at me.

Finally, I said, “I’ll pay you for the extra time. I know we went over.”

She shook her head. “Oh, that’s okay. I don’t mind dragging out a session, especially for someone who needs it.”

“Still, your time is valuable, and I’ve wasted about an hour of it.”

The summits of her cheeks got a touch darker. “Not a second of this has been a waste of time.”

The way she said it washed over me like a rush of invisible energy. She was so fucking beautiful that I couldn’t stand it. I didn’t want to leave.

“Well, thanks for everything.”

Disappointment flashed across her eyes, too. “Yeah. Hopefully, I’ll see you again soon.”

“Definitely.” Could I honestly walk out of this studio and never see this perfect person again? Not a chance in hell.

I grabbed my water bottle, phone, and wallet, and started to walk towards the door. My motions were slow, dragging, like trudging through mud. Each step further from her that I was, it was like there was a high-grade magnet behind me, and I was wearing a metal plate on my back. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Luca.

Hey, would I be able to take

the night off to ask out this


I expected a refusal. That would be excuse enough to just continue out of the studio and look forward to the next time I could come and do yoga, but as I set my hand on the door to leave, a text came back, and it shocked me.

If she’s hot you fucking


She certainly was that. If Luca saying no was excuse enough to leave, then by all logic, him saying yes was excuse enough to stay, right?

I flipped around. “Hey, uh, do you have any other sessions today?”

Stacy was rolling up the mats and looked up to meet my gaze. “No. You were it. Did you need more advice?”

I took a deep breath and tried to muster up some of that Varasso confidence my brothers all seemed to possess that had missed me. “No, I was thinking about cutting the crap and just asking you out.”

That definitely sounded like Marco. It was odd coming out of my mouth, though. It almost sounded like I didn’t enjoy the past two hours, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

“N-not that I didn’t enjoy this, because I did, a lot.” Fuck. I was floundering. I should have just left it. “But that last forty minutes or so was really great, so I could spend a little more time with you.”

Now you sound creepy, Gabriel. Stop talking.

“I’ll go.”