“Yeah, if you’re sure,” he said.

I nodded. “I’ll have plenty of opportunities to have a baby with a non-psycho.”

“He’s not a psycho,” Ricky grumbled with a roll of his eyes.

“That’s what I told her,” Sasha said.

“Okay, you two are never allowed to be in the same place again. Deal?” I started toward my bedroom to get dressed and turned around to look at Sasha. I motioned for her to come with me, and she followed behind me.

“Do you want me to come?” she asked, sitting down on my bed while I changed into a pair of comfortable leggings and a coverall blouse that went down to my thighs.

“No, I have Ricky. I think that’ll be plenty. Can you be here when I come back, though?” I asked.

“Of course, sweetheart. Whatever you need. I am going to take a nap in your bed, though, because I hopped on the first redeye back to L.A. and haven’t slept.

“Help yourself,” I said. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and then walked back out to where Ricky was sitting, but he was gone. “Damn it. Ricky, we gotta go!”

I continued over to the guest room and found Ricky looking at his phone with shock on his face. “What?” I asked.

“Apparently, Alessandro went off the deep end. Pushed Gabe, punched Luca.” He was dialing a number on his phone.

“What? That doesn’t sound like him.” I walked over and sat next to him on the edge of the guest bed.

Ricky side-eyed me. “Glad we agree that he’s not crazy.”

It slammed over me like a building being demolished over my head. Maybe somewhere inside of me, I knew Alessandro wasn’t crazy, but that didn’t change the fact that he was willing to kidnap children. That was still a man who shouldn’t be a father.

“Hey, Mol. What’s happening?”

I nudged Ricky and mouthed speaker, and he pressed the button, igniting the room with the sound of Molly’s panicked voice. “I mean, Gabriel nearly cracked his skull open. He made these nasty comments about me, and I thought Luca was going to take his head off. When he pushed Gabe, Luca swung, but Sandro ducked and got the hit in.”

“I can’t believe that. Alessandro’s loyal to a fault. He’d never hurt his own family,” I responded.

“He’s lost it, Ricky. He had the dead eyes that had, like, nothing behind them. Ever since Willow left, it’s like he’s not even the same person.”

That thought crushed me. I didn’t have anything against Alessandro’s family. In fact. I’d grown to care for them deeply. I made the decision that I thought was best for me, but I didn’t think he was going to flip out on his own family. I supposed I could have handled it with a little more grace, but I could only think of getting out of Philly and as far away from him as possible. I was worried, and I was scared. What was I supposed to do?

“When he and Luca were going over the plans,” Molly continued, “Sandro snapped and said he was going to take care of things himself, and then he left and took his dad’s jet to Cali. We hadn’t heard from him in hours, but then one of my runners told me that he got a call from Horatio’s wife last night saying that Alessandro had stormed into their house with a shotgun threatening to kill them! He took Horatio with him to go and find the Binachis on his own.”

“What? That’s psychotic!” Ricky shouted.

“Glad we agree on something,” I whispered to him, and he deflated a bit.

Maybe none of us really knew Alessandro. Was he always so close to the edge?

“Luca and Gabe left to go to California as soon as we heard, but they had to fly domestic since Sandro took the jet. I’m afraid they won’t get there in time. Do you think you can try and hunt him down? We reactivated the GPS app for the time being to help find him. You should be able to see it.”

I nodded my head at Ricky. I’d made a mistake, and I needed to fix it.

“I’ll find him,” Ricky said. “I’ll take Willow. Maybe she can talk some sense into him.”

“Okay, but please be careful. We have no idea how many of the Binachis are there. They’re armed and very dangerous. I’ve got some of my men en route, too. There is another option if you absolutely have to use it.”

“Yeah, unfortunately, I might need to,” Ricky replied. I furrowed my brow, unsure of what they were talking about. Ricky waved his hand at me. “Okay, I’m gonna go. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Yeah. Thanks, Ricky, and be safe.”

“Thanks, you, too.” Ricky hung up his phone and immediately opened the GPS app. “Oh, wow. He’s way upstate. About an hour. If we go now, we might be able to catch him.”