I knew from the history Alessandro had dug up on her that she’d already survived numerous punches.

She’d managed to avoid showing an ounce of outward fear until I’d approached her. Until she’d believed I would… hurt her. And even then, she’d displayed ferocity more than anything else. Such ferocity should be rewarded.

It would be rewarded.

“I would like you to work for us,” I told her, observing her closely. If she refused, she’d have to stay imprisoned here until my father came down to finish what he started. He’d already made his feelings on the matter clear. She’d be given a chance, but only one. If she squandered that chance, then her life would be forfeit.

“Work for you?”

“Yes. I was able to arrange this, but you’ll have to do exactly as you’re told. You’ll live with us here in comfort. You’ll have your every physical and material need taken care of. But if you refuse or if you betray our trust, my father will insist on killing you.” There was no sugarcoating this.

I wondered if she’d simply throw another disparaging remark at me and seal her fate for good. But she didn’t. Instead, she sat on the concrete floor and asked me a question. “Why? Why offer me this?”

I sat beside her but stayed at arm’s length, hoping to remain more nonthreatening. “Because you’re different. I see potential in you. A potential I’d hate to be wasted.” Even sitting this close brought her scent to me, something spicy and delectable, like cinnamon. I felt a current of something pleasant roll through me as I breathed it in, something enticing.


Which was bad. Already I was beginning to feel attached to her, to the outcome of what she decided. And I couldn’t afford that. I couldn’t go through that again. I lowered my voice to a near whisper, letting some of the darkness I’d felt over the past year seep into my voice.

“You’re a gorgeous woman, Molly Greene, and I’d prefer to not bear witness to your blood splattered all over my floor.”

She didn’t so much as flinch. “What would I have to do?”

“We would train you to be in charge of a certain segment of our drug operation. We handle various substances coming from Central and South America, most of it opiates like heroin, morphine and Oxycontin, though we also distribute cocaine, marijuana, and meth.” I waited for her to balk, to act appalled, to say no. But she didn’t, so I went on.

“You would be responsible for coordinating our runners and fulfilling their needs for transportation. You’ll need to be organized and discreet. This job requires diligence and subtlety. Are you up for it?”

“Yes, but with one condition.” I almost chuckled at her audacity. At her sheer cockiness. Even under these circumstances, she strove to control as much as she could.

“That being?”

“I need to contact my sister.”

“I’m afraid that wouldn’t be wise.”

She placed a hand on my arm, and that pleasant current jolted through me even stronger this time. “She’s all I have, Luca. I need to tell her I’m okay and not to worry.”

Inwardly, I sighed. My name on her lips did peculiar things to me. Things I hadn’t felt in a long time. “I’ll try to arrange something.” I went up to the large den on the third floor we used as our main operational headquarters. In it was a suitcase of burner phones meant for a one-time use only. I secured one, hesitating when Gabriel strode in and put a hand on my chest.

“How’s our new guest?”

“She’s under my protection.”

Gabriel’s brows disappeared into his hairline. “Your protection?”


“That’s new.”

“Your point?” I asked, irritated at his nosiness.

He took me by both shoulders, something I didn’t normally allow, but before I could push him back, he made eye contact. “You’re different. Good different.” I didn’t know what to say to that. “Anyone gives you a hard time over this, I’ll be sure to set them straight.”

This took me totally aback. When I’d first started dating Alana, I’d received nothing but shit from my father and brothers. I’d been told over and over that she was too soft for this business and this family. That she wasn’t prepared. Things had only settled down from my siblings once she’d become pregnant. And then, my father had needled us incessantly about tying the knot.

Something, to my eternal regret, we’d never done.

“Why this sudden show of support?” I asked Gabriel, unable to allay my suspicious nature.