Unlike my brothers, the Varasso lifestyle wasn’t for me, and each additional day I spent there was another day I was living a life I didn’t want. Such luxuries weren’t afforded to me, though. I did it because that’s what Varassos did. I did it because that same cold blood ran through my veins. I was used to just being a background character in the lives of my father and brothers, but in this moment with Stacy, I was center stage, and she was my co-star. I wanted her, and for the first time in a long time, I was going to get exactly what I wanted.

Stacy reeled around to face me, and with a playful smile on her face, she fanned her arms out and fell straight back, landing on her queen-sized, cerulean comforter-topped bed. I grinned at the way she backed further onto it and beckoned me forward. I certainly didn’t need to be told twice. I unbuttoned the jacket of my suit, threw it aside, and then threw caution to the wind. I took my undershirt off, as well, leaving only my tank on. Stacy’s eyes grew to small orbs, and the minx-like grin on her face grew into an elated smile. No one had ever looked at me that way before. It was addicting.

I made my way to the edge of the bed, and it was as if a different man took over my body. I grabbed Stacy’s ankles and yanked her towards me, allowing her dress to bunch up and reveal her thighs and black lace bikini underwear. I propped my arms on either side of her and tucked my head in, taking my first taste of her succulent lips. There was a sweetness to them that almost seemed natural. If I’d tried to guess before kissing her that that’s what they’d taste like, I might have guessed it. They were warm but for the lingering cool touch of the outdoors, which simmered away immediately with mine pressed in place. It was all it took for me to feel like I was floating ten feet off the ground with no fear of falling. Stacy’s arms dipping under my tank to drag her fingers in gentle scratches along the small of my back was enough to hold me aloft.

I left her sweet lips in search of a spot on her neck, and when my lips skipped across her skin, she made that same surprised-in-a-good-way, desperately intimate sound she’d made before. It snaked around me and shot jolts of excitement down my spine and into my groin, a truth Stacy rapidly discovered when her hands lifted off the bed and cupped me. Bold and beautiful.

I undid the tie that held Stacy’s dress in place, and it immediately drifted away from her form as though it was more excited to be parted from her skin than we were. My hands passed my head as they moved from her stomach up to her chest while my lips traveled lower. When I met the hem of her underwear, I took the fabric between my teeth and dragged them downward.

Her legs naturally crooked themselves over my shoulders as I let my knees find the floor and ducked my head into her. She let out a quiet moan in response to my ministrations and combed her slender fingers into my hair. My other senses deadened as I took in the taste of her. She was the most delicious thing I’d ever enjoyed, and with each additional taste I got, I knew I had to have more. It was creating a void that might never be filled.


Never before had my name been said with such passion, such conviction. It was like it was laced with magic that burrowed under my skin and flowed into my bloodstream. It made my body exist solely for her, desire only her. Her legs shivered in my hands, and her mewls of pleasure developed into a booming beg for more, and more she would get. I was a fiend with a drug—the more she displayed, the hotter she got, and more injected straight into me. I allowed my tongue to travel along every pathway it could find until Stacy’s voice was getting louder again before snapping silent and turning into nothing but a figure writhing against me. I was aware of her back to back orgasms but was like a hunter on its prey. I continued on with fervor until Stacy was pulling at my shirt, forcing me to come up for air.

Somewhere in my torrent, Stacy had removed her bra, and she was laying totally bare against the black and blue cloth of her undone dress splashed beneath her. Her previously pale cheeks were totally flushed, and her pupils were large inside her emerald irises.

“Condoms,” she huffed at me, breathless and hungry. She pointed back towards her bedside table. “There.”

I walked over to the bedside table and opened the drawer, shocked to find a couple of toys inside alongside an unopened box of condoms. There was a part of me that wanted to analyze the contents, but there wasn’t time. I snatched out the box of condoms, ripped them open, and pulled one out. I returned to my spot at the foot of the bed and made a show of pulling the rest of my clothes off. Peeling my shirt up my torso and over my head, and finally unbuttoning my suit pants, and pushing them and my boxers off of my body. Stacy took in a sharp breath as I sprung free, and she splayed her legs out a bit wider, inviting me in. The innocent yoga instructor was gone; the woman before me was a seductress.

I rolled the condom on and stepped up to Stacy. I perched myself where she was begging for me most and wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her up to me. The motion alone popped me just inside, and as I brought our lips together, I moved even further. My tongue walked along her bottom lip, and she took it between her lips to suckle gently. She squeezed around me below the same way she squeezed around my tongue, and I felt myself start to revert to the most primal form of man. She sapped me of my civilization, of my thoughts, of my stress. Yoga didn’t compare to the way my mind emptied out everything that wasn’t Stacy or the heat slowly crawling its way up my body.

Stacy pulled against me, and I relented, allowing her to bring me to my back on the bed. She straddled herself over me and returned to nestle herself against me, tossing back her head when I was seated inside. I took her hips between my hands and relented all control. Stacy started to rock at a rapid pace with her hands braced on my stomach, digging her fingers into my abs. I focused all of my energy on lasting in spite of the halo of light surrounding her cream skin. She was unearthly, alien, but in a way that made me want to visit whatever planet she was from. Something fused us together, stronger than the attachment of our physical selves. It was as if I didn’t realize I’d been missing my own arm my whole life, and now suddenly, I had it back.

My hands clawed into her, fighting against the surge of pleasure bubbling up in my stomach and seeping its way towards my groin. I wasn’t ready to be finished yet, but the feeling of her had my body on another course of action. Afraid that I might hurt her, I loosened my grip, but her hands encircled my wrists.

“No. Don’t. It feels good.”

There was a kink for roughness buried deep inside this woman. I only hoped I’d have plenty of chances to discover everything she liked, but for the moment, I settled for digging my hands in and giving in to my body’s demand for release.

Our voices intertwined and filled the room with such roaring, audible clues of our pleasure that Stacy’s neighbors need not guess what we were up to. The heat of her around me seared to the point that I didn’t think I’d be able to stand it anymore. Stacy slowed, but I held on, even after she collapsed on top of me, bringing her head to rest against my undulating chest.

Had we been there minutes? Had we been there hours? There was no way to say for sure. A

ll I cared to see was the angel on top of me, letting out rhythmic hums as her orgasm finally crept away from her.

“Wow,” Stacy managed to breathe out. “Just…wow.”

It was far the best sex I’d ever had. “Yeah. Wow.”



My parents had always boasted a holistic lifestyle. They weren’t the wheat-and-grass hippies that people think of when they see our flower crowns and long hair. They were people who truly and firmly believed from the depths of their souls that our bodies were intricately latticed with nature and understood that relationship is the key to health and happiness.

As such, my parents had taken a very progressive, forward-thinking approach to sex, as well. They made sure that I didn’t shy away from nakedness and that the concept of sharing all of myself with another person wasn’t taboo but worked hard to teach me how to be healthy and honest with myself. There were hundreds of ways a person could use natural energy to their advantage in the bedroom and create a sexual experience unlike any other, and once I’d reached the appropriate age, my mom was very outspoken with me about all of it.

Even her carefree self, ‘sex isn’t a big deal unless you want it to be’ lessons had included, “At least wait until the third date, Stace. Never let a man think that you’re easy.”

Mission failed.

Ordinarily, I would feel embarrassed or be on a tear to make sense of what I would otherwise consider a huge mistake. I was trying to list the reasons why I would drop my typically rock-solid resolve to let Gabriel in, but nothing I reached was the truth. I could tell myself it was the liquor, or his good looks, or his charm, but the truth was deeper and more frightening than any of that.

My mom once told me about a moment she experienced when she was young. She was at a party with some friends and accidentally knocked a drink into someone’s lap. She flailed about, trying to clean up her spill when her hand accidentally brushed against the hand of her soda pop victim. She claimed that time froze. The second their hands touched, it was like she could feel the world knocking into alignment, and when she looked up into the man’s eyes, she knew in an instant that he was her soulmate.

That man was my father.