She stepped a few feet back, cocked her fist, and punched me square across the jaw, and it hurt, like getting smacked with a baseball bat. To say she was sending mixed signals would be an understatement. “Ow! Why?”

“For fucking hitting your brother.” She pulled her fist back again, and that time gave me a low jab to the gut. “For damn near killing Gabe.” She grabbed my shoulders and kneed up into my abs, and I let out a gag, nearly falling to my feet. “For making Marco come out of hiding to save your dumbass!”

“God, I forgot how much I missed Willow. Hi, Willow!” Marco said.

Despite my dying in front of her, Willow waved back with a bright smile. “Hey, Marco! I dig the blond hair!”

Ricky tapped me on my back. “Shake it off, man.”

I held a hand up. “I’ll be okay,” I strained out.

“Do you have any idea how scared I was?” Willow asked. “I thought I was going to show up and see your dead body. Didn’t I tell you not to end up in a situation like either of our dads? What were you thinking?”

“I guess I don’t handle heartbreak well,” I huffed back. “Willow, I need to say that I—”

“Get down!” We all looked over, and Gabriel had pulled his gun out and had it smashed against Horatio’s head. “Down!”

I rushed over with Luca and Marco right behind me. I grabbed his arm and pulled it away. “Whoa! What are you doing?”

“This guy still narced on Marco,” Gabriel barked, and none of us knew where his sudden aggressiveness was coming from. Maybe he’d taken the same airborne drug I had.

“Yeah, but trust me when I say he’s learned that lesson, right?” I looked at him, and his head started bobbing up and down so quickly it nearly looked like it wasn’t moving at all. “Horatio knows that we know where he lives and where his wife lives, and if we have any more problems with him,” I tapped Gabe’s back, “we’re sending in the crazy one.”

Everyone snickered behind me, but I was trying to help Gabriel establish a little dominance. Luca walked over and put a hand on my head. “We’ve got guys on the way. We’ll get this all cleaned up.”

I shook my head. “No. I’ll stay. I’m gonna turn myself in.”

“What?” Luca waved his hand through the air. “No, we’re not doing that. This isn’t that bad. They’ll get it cleaned up. It’s fine.”

“I did horrible shit that I have to be held accountable for.” I looked at Willow. “I don’t want to be that guy.”

Willow shook her head. “It’s okay. Be that guy.”

“What? No. I promised you. I won’t take all the charges. It’ll be a long time, but I’ll be okay.”

“No,” Willow said. “You can’t go to prison.”

“I deserve it,” I retorted.

“No, you can’t go,” Willow squeaked. “You can’t go to prison because you have to be here with me.”

“I don’t deserve you, either,” I said. “I put you in all this danger and—”

“I’m pregnant.”

Only the wind made a sound for about five solid minutes. Finally, I broke the silence. “You’re… really?”

She nodded. “I took a test last night.” I stepped in to hug her, but she took a step back. “I’m not raising a baby in this world, Sandro. It’s either us or—”

“You.” I didn’t even let her finish. “It’s you. I mean,” I looked over at Luca. “We’ll have to figure out how it’ll work, but…”

“You think I’d let you stay working for my organization after this fuck up? Uh, no. You’re fired,” Luca said.

“W-what?” I asked.

Luca walked up to me and held out a hand. “You wanted out.”

I took his hand in my own. “You’re sure?”