I picked up one of the shotguns and cocked it, feeling the way it balanced in my hands. “Yeah, well, unexpected is kind of my theme.” I uncocked the shotgun, armed the safety, and then picked out a couple of pistols. “What’s the damage?”

Faci waved his wrinkled and liver-spotted hand. “Nah. You just tell the boss I helped you out.”

I took some money out of my pocket and slammed it onto the counter so hard Faci jumped. “I am the boss.”

I traveled back to L.A. and to the address my informant told me belonged to Horatio. I could see glowing lights shining warmly from inside. I walked up to the window, looking into his house, and saw him sitting at a table with his wife and kids, laughing over a meal. I hated him for freely enjoying what I wanted so badly. He wasn’t born into death and darkness. He probably just got married at a church, with his friends and family surrounding him, and no one questioning his motives, or his love, or his loyalty. I didn’t want to look at his happiness anymore. If I couldn’t have it, no one could have it.

Despite his home’s small size and the peeling paint on the frame, he had, what appeared to be, a brand new Mercedes Benz in his driveway. I walked over to it, pulled my rifle off of my shoulder, and smashed the butt into the driver’s side window. A loud alarm started to blare throughout the neighborhood, and I could see lights clicking on in all the houses, with all the neighbors peeking out to investigate. I drew back into the shadows of the night laid against Horatio’s garage door.

His front door op

ened. “Stay inside.”

He walked down the front stairs and over to the window of his car, hissing “Shit!” as he investigated the shards of glass scattered around the pavement.

I scanned the row of houses, with people already starting to recede back into their homes. When I was confident no one was looking, I cocked my rifle. I saw Horatio’s entire body rigidify. His head slowly turned toward his garage, and I stepped enough into the light to reveal my weapon.

“Hey, Horatio,” I huffed.

“B-boss,” he responded. “L-look. My family’s inside.”

“I know,” I growled back. “It sure would be a shame if anything happened to them.” I swiped my hand over the hood of the car. “This sure is a nice car. Where’d you get it?”

Tears and guilt were gathering in the corners of Horatio’s eyes. “I’m s-sorry, Boss.”

“Why don’t we step inside Horatio?” I asked with an evil grin. “Let’s have a little talk.”

Horatio led the way inside, and I followed closely behind him, keeping the barrel of my gun focused on his back. As we walked inside, his wife’s face filled with horror.

“G-go upstairs, you three,” she murmured nervously.

“No,” I said, brandishing my shotgun fully once we were safely hidden inside Horatio’s home. “I think they should stay.”

The kids sitting at the table started to cry, and Horatio moved to stand between them and me. “Please, Sandro,” Horatio whimpered. “My kids ain’t done nothing wrong, man.”

“Yeah, well, I’m proof that sometimes you pay for what your dumb dad did, but you know about that well, don’t you, Horatio?” I asked.

Horatio’s wife looked at him, terrified. “You said you got that money from a raise at work.”

“Shut up,” Horatio whined.

“No, tell me more. Maggie, right?” Maggie gave me a weak, shaky nod. “When did he come home with more money?”

Horatio shook his head, so I pointed my shotgun right at his face with my finger on the trigger. “Go on, Maggie,” I coaxed.

“Right before the holidays,” Maggie responded with tears traveling down her cheeks.

“Yeah, around Thanksgiving?” I asked.

She nodded, closing her eyes with realization. She side-eyed Horatio. “Yes. What did you do?”

“I’ll tell you what he did, Maggie.” I looked over at him. “My brother is in witness protection, taking care of his wife and child, and your husband discovered his address and gave it to some people who want my brother dead. Tell me, Horatio, do you think that the Binachis are going to spare my brother’s kid like you want me to spare yours?”

“I’m sorry, Boss. I’m so sorry. My kids needed food, and I wasn’t doing good in the tunnels. They told me they would set me up for life.” He started to sob in earnest. “Just punish me. Don’t punish my kids.”

“Do you know where the Binachis are?” I asked. “Are they here in the city?”

Horatio looked up at me, his head flailing wildly. “Y-yeah! I know where they are! I been to their house before.”