“Great. I’m parked out front. I’ll see you there.”

I rushed up to my room, feeling the happiest I’d felt in months, maybe even in years. I’d finally made a decision about Alessandro, my mom and I were in a better place, and Philadelphia was turning out not to be so bad after all. I wasn’t sure what was going to pan out with the whole Marco situation, but it wasn’t really any of my concern. It wasn’t that I didn’t care what happened to Marco, but even though I was willing to be with Alessandro despite his reality, I still needed to protect myself and keep myself out of the organization’s line of fire. I certainly hoped that it all brushed over, but all I could do was worry about myself and keeping those around me safe and happy.

I swapped my drenched gardening jeans and t-shirt for a white, frilled dress, the one I’d considered leaving behind when I was first packing for Philly. I could hear Sasha’s voice in my head telling me, “See? I told you you’d need it.”

Right, you were.

I slipped on a pair of my roman sandals, put my hair up into a bun on top of my head, and went and met Molly out front. On the way to the Varassos’ estate, we talked about our lives before the Varasso men. It was cool to hear that Molly had managed to hang onto her own identity, despite being Luca’s wife. I supposed if I could do that as well, things could possibly work out for Alessandro and me.

When we got out of the car at the estate, Molly checked her watch. “We’re a little early. Alessandro’s probably up in his room. Why don’t you go surprise him, and I’ll get Luca and the kids.”


I made my way up the grand, curved staircase in the estate foyer and down to the left where I knew Alessandro’s room was located. I turned down the hallway and noticed right away that his door was open and the light was off. I peeked inside just in case, but he wasn’t in there. I was going to head back downstairs when I heard a mingle of voices coming from further down the hallway. I walked down, headed for where I knew Angelo’s office was, thinking that Luca had probably taken it over. The polished double doors were shut, and I could hear the voices coming from the inside. I stepped up to the door and lifted my hand to knock, but stopped short.

“Sorry that this took so long. The drop just happened.” It was Alessandro’s voice.

“I think the word’s gotten around that we’re on the lookout,” Luca responded. “Everyone’s being extra cautious. What’d you learn.”

“Horatio Laurell. Twenty-three. One of the runners in the southwest. He’s from California, which I believe is where Marco is, too. He was probably able to confirm what he heard on the app. His wife’s name is Maggie, and he has three kids. Horatio Jr., Lettie, and Julian.”

“Kids’ school?” Luca asked, and my heart dropped. Why did he need to know that?

“Bedford Elementary. My contact tells me his mom drives them from their home on Kross Avenue to the bus stop one block over, and they all ride to school.”

“Any blind spots?” Luca asked.

“Plenty. She just leaves them at the bus stop, and no other kids are picked up at that stop, so no one else is there until the bus arrives. The corner is pretty heavily obscured, too, from the pictures I received. Apparently, on the way back, they have to walk almost a block to get to their house. From what could be discerned, all the houses between the stop and theirs are workers who aren’t home yet when the kids get home. They could be snatched easily.” Alessandro’s voice was so empty of any emotion or concern. Was he really talking about kidnapping innocent children?

“Good,” Luca said. “I want you to do it. I don’t trust a pickup. Gabriel and I will get Horatio. Molly will probably know where to find him.”

“It’s not a problem,” Alessandro responded. Yes, it is. “Willow’s spending the day with her mom tomorrow, so I’ll get them.”


My chest got tighter, and I was struggling to breathe. I imagined Alessandro, my Alessandro, jumping out of a car with a mask over his face, shoving innocent children into it. Scaring them for life because of some mistake their father had made. I couldn’t believe it. My throat tightened, and the walls closed in on me. I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was standing behind me, about to shove me into some room and lock me inside, even though no one was around me. I was shaking, and my vision was blurring.

I need air. I need air. I need air.

I took off running from the doors, down the stairs, and out into the estate’s front yard. It was a long run to get to the gates leading back out onto the road, but I was afraid that if I stopped, I would get captured myself, or worse. All the beautiful memories I had of Alessandro from the past few weeks were going up in smoke. I tried to believe in my spirit that he wasn’t that man, but I was wrong. Tears streamed down my face as I turned and ran out into the street, back toward civilization and away from all the Varassos. I would buy the first ticket out of Pennsylvania and be back in California by sunrise.

My heart was shattered as I said a mental goodbye to Alessandro Varasso.



Luca and I exchanged glances.

We didn’t want to do this.

“Isn’t there another way?” I asked. “If we just ask him, maybe he’ll tell us.”

Luca shook his head. “We can’t do this, Alessandro. You can’t do mob shit halfway. We’re either all in, or we’re nothing, and until we figure out how to be nothing, we’re all in.”

I didn’t think I could handle kidnapping some children who had no control over the actions of their father. They would never recover from that kind of fear. I thought about Marco and the bad panic attacks that he would have, and it hurt my heart. I didn’t want to pass that level of trauma onto anyone, let alone children.

“They changed us,” Luca said. “Molly. Willow. Even the kids. How did dad do this shit? How did he remain resolved, even when he knew he had people at home that loved him and wanted him to come home? I mean…” There was a deep pain nested in Luca’s voice. “Did he not love us that much.”