“I see no reason why I’d want to replace anyone for now. I may bring more employees onboard, however, since so many customers are coming in,” I told Ian, who seemed relieved.

“Yeah, we stay swamped like this pretty much all the time. I think you’ll get plenty of return on your investment.”

“Yes,” I nodded, my eyes falling on Kelly again. “I think so.”



I found myself staring at the man in the black suit. There was something about him, about the focused way he scrutinized his surroundings that made him stand out. His economical movements struck me as efficient, but also predatory, like a jaguar on the prowl. He scanned the

place like it was his. I could see so much possessiveness in his gaze.

He stood next to Ian, the owner of our bistro, which made me uneasy.

What was going on?

“Did you get my order?” the young bearded guy wearing flip flops who’d put his backpack on the booth next to him asked me, making me realize I hadn’t. I’d been so distracted by Intense Suit Guy I’d lost track.

“I’m so sorry, sir. You said you wanted the Jack and Ginger and what else?” At least I remembered his drink.

“The Jack and Ginger with the veggie wrap and organic potato wedges.”

“Got it. Your order shouldn’t take long.”

I searched for Intense Suit Guy as I headed toward the kitchen, but he and Ian had both disappeared. Relieved, I gave the order to Carlos, the cook on duty, and stepped right into someone behind me.

“Pardon me,” I said, my elbow making contact with a hard chest. A hard suited chest. I peeked up—and up—to see, oh no, the guy I’d most hoped to avoid.

“No problem,” he said in a deep baritone voice. He was tall, almost a foot taller than me, just like my brother.

If I’d thought of him as intense before, being up close to him doubled the impact. A few details skittered across my mind. Black curly hair. Square jaw. A tiny divot in his chin. High cheekbones. His dark eyes drilled into mine so pointedly that I held my breath. And even though I held my breath, I still noticed how good he smelled, like sandalwood and soap and well… man.

His stare made me feel somewhere between a spider under a magnifying glass and an A-list celebrity being ogled by an over enthusiastic fan. Either way, I didn’t think I liked the sensation it caused within me.

I didn’t like the chills his look sent up my spine or the reaction of my nipples tightening inside my bra. And what was that all about anyway?

“You’re Kelly, one of the servers, correct?” he asked me, and I directed my attention to his mouth. His lips remained firm and unsmiling.

“Y-yes.” I stuttered out. He made me feel so nervous, so off-center. “Kelly Carr.”

He thrust out his hand which I automatically shook. The contact sent a zap up my arm like I’d dragged my feet across the carpet and touched a metal doorknob. “Marco Varasso. I just purchased this establishment from your boss.”

“You did?” I felt blindsided. Why would Ian sell the bistro? Organic Eats had been incredibly popular during all seven of the years I’d worked here.

“I did. You seem surprised.”

Surprised didn’t begin to describe it.

“I take it he didn’t inform any of you that he was selling,” Intense Suit Guy—Marco Varasso—assumed. Accurately.

I simply shook my head. What would this mean for all of us? What if this new owner radically altered how the bistro was run or got rid of everyone? This was the only job I’d ever had. I didn’t know what I’d do for money if I could no longer count on it.

“You’re panicking,” he said, reading me like a book. Lord, that was disturbing. “Don’t. I’m not here to ruffle feathers, though I do plan to be fairly hands on.”

His eyes had dipped briefly to my chest when he’d said, “hands on,” but they hadn’t lingered. When I met his gaze, it was hooded, cautious, as if he hadn’t glanced down at all. Had I imagined it? Imagined him scrutinizing my body instead of my face?

“Order up!” Carlos called out, even though I was already right there. Still, I was glad. I needed to get away from this man.