Page 42 of Killer

some of the medications they gave you. You signed the discharge papers and everything.”


I wait for the questions. My heart is pounding so hard I’m shocked it doesn’t crack any ribs. Any minute now, Keller will mention the scar, the brain injury. He’ll want to know. He’ll see me differently. Back to being treated like delicate glass. My lungs constrict, and I’m suddenly desperate for air.


Pins and needles prick at my fingers and toes, ice racing up and down my extremities as my chest squeezes tighter.

“Britt? What the hell?”

Suddenly, I’m being swept off my feet and laid gently on the center of the huge bed. Keller wraps his body around mine, throwing a leg over my hips and an arm over my shoulders. He pulls me close, whispering into my hair.

“You’re okay. Jesus, I’m going to kill that fucker Wolfe for doing this.”

Gritting my teeth, I take deep, measured breaths through my nose, in and out, in and out, until the shimmering edges of unconsciousness recede from my vision and my heartbeat slows.

“Don’t hurt him.”

“What?” Keller pushes up on one elbow, leaning over so he can see my face. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

“Don’t hurt Wolfe. It’s not his fault.”


“Please, Keller.”


My stomach twists as Britt’s big, blue eyes bore into me, unwavering in their quest to see right into my soul. For the first time in a decade, the sound of my given name doesn’t dredge up feelings of loathing and resentment.

I try to put the wall back up, the protective armor that has surrounded me for so long, but Britt reaches over and with gentle fingers, caresses my rough cheek. Just like that, the wall she’s been chipping at since we met, crumbles to dust.

“Don’t shut me out,” she whispers. “I can’t…” a sob rips from her chest. “I need you.”


I have to look away. Images of my sister hit me hard. Kinsey needed me and I fucked up. Who’s to say I won’t do the same with Britt?

“Please?” She scoots closer, brushing her lips over mine. “Keller.” My name is a soft whisper against my skin.

I breathe in her scent, citrusy and soft. Desire coils in my spine, along with an odd, knotted sensation in my chest. Britt parts her lips and kisses me passionately. My dick very much wants in on the action, but the new, unfamiliar feeling has me pulling back.

“No. I can’t. You’re injured.” I untangle myself from Britt’s embrace and climb off the bed, confused by my warring reactions. I want her like I’ve never wanted anything, anyone, but what kind of an asshole would I be if I fucked her one day after she cracked her head and had a seizure?

Britt leaps to her feet on the other side of the bed, her face and neck flushed crimson. Her beautiful mouth is pulled into an angry scowl. “I’m not broken and I’m not made of glass, Keller!”

What the—?

I grab my shorts, yanking them on. “I didn’t say that.”

“Fuck you,” she snarls, snatching her own clothes off the floor and dressing quickly.

“Britt, what are—?” I begin to circle the bed to get to her, my head spinning from the sudden fury emanating from this tiny girl. I need to touch her, breathe her in and let her scent fill my soul.

“No!” Britt holds up a shaky hand to keep me from approaching. Her eyes are panicked and wild. “I need to get out of here.”

I move toward her again, and this time, her reaction is shocking. She holds up both hands to stop me and shrieks.