“S-sorry, Boss. Sammy, ummm, he said the phone was in San Antonio, then here in Austin, then in the general area of El Cuchillo’s compound in Victoria.”

I turned away from George and dug the heels of my hands into my eyes. “So you’re saying Milo has been in contact with a phone belonging to someone in Los Guerreros.”

“Yeah. That’s what Sammy said.” I dragged my hands through my hair, suppressing the need to scream, the need to cause pain, the need for revenge. “But there’s more, Boss.”

“What?” I spun to face George again. “More?”

“After you called asking us to dig up shit on Milo, I had Sammy put a tracker on Milo’s car and phone.” He paused, waiting for my reaction.

“Fucking spit it out, George, or I’ll cut out your motherfucking tongue.”

George’s eyes widened and he nodded. “The phone went dead. He must have taken out the battery, Boss. But the GPS on the car is active.”

I went over to the safe and began opening it, pulling out weapons. “Keep talking,” I said as I loaded magazines into my guns and started strapping on the leather holsters.

“Sammy knows where he is.”

I grunted in satisfaction. “Call Four and tell him to grab a couple guys and follow us to the location. They are not to approach Milo if they get there first, got it?”

George pulled out his phone while I finished sliding the guns in their holsters. “Got it, Boss.”

I shrugged into a leather jacket to hide my weapons and opened the door. George trailed behind as I stormed down the hall like a dark angel of death, wearing ten pounds of lethal steel and ammunition. Frank pulled up as we exited the house.

Five minutes later, the SUV was on the highway, breaking every speed limit as I pondered what fate awaited my former lieutenant. When I came to a decision, a sadistic grin spread across my face.

I wouldn’t want to be Milo right now. Soon, he’d be begging for death.

* * *

When Frank stopped the SUV in the empty parking lot of a self-storage company, it was near impossible to wait for my men to arrive. Ten minutes later, twitchy and pulsing with explosive, homicidal rage, I opened the door and climbed out.

“Boss, we should wait—”

I spun and got right in George’s face. “Wait for what? I am goddamn sick of waiting. Of feeling fucking helpless while my girl suffers. I want that fucker to feel pain. I want him to scream and cry and beg, like Miri did when Cuchillo cut her up. She didn’t deserve that shit.” I leaned in until our noses touched. “Are you going to stop me?”

George shook his head. “No, Boss.”

I stepped back and glared at Frank. “Are you?”

“No, Boss. I’d do exactly what you’re doing.”

I grinned at my driver and he smirked. “I knew I liked you for a reason. Now,” I turned back to George. “Call Sammy and get his exact location.”

George pulled out his phone and dialed.

Two minutes later we were driving down a deserted street in some shithole town outside Corpus Christi.

“There.” George pointed at a three-story brick building. Half of the windows were boarded up and several others were broken. “He can’t tell us what floor or what side of the building, Boss. Just that this is the place.”

“Fine.” I was a little annoyed that the GPS wasn’t more accurate. Tense as all fuck, I slid off my jacket, checked my weapons, and made sure the guns had bullets in the chambers and my knives were easy to reach.

“There’s his car, Boss.” Frank pointed out the passenger side of the SUV. Down a side street I spotted Milo’s audacious sports car. The stupid thing stuck out like a porn star in a convent.

“How does Sammy know Milo is in that one?” I asked George while pointing at the dilapidated brick three-story. “Couldn’t he be in any of these?” There were four other buildings nearby, a tiny shack that used to be a lawyer’s office, an old furniture store with nothing in the windows, and a dilapidated gas station that was literally crumbling apart. “Well, not the gas station, but the others.”

George repeated the information to Sammy. “He said you’re right. Milo could be in any of them. He chose the three-story because it had more places to hide and is the only one with electricity.”

I nodded. “Good. Tell Sammy he did good.” I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, pushing out the blind rage so I could think clearly. It would do me no good if I stormed inside and ran around on instinct instead of using my brain. Once I was focused on the mission, endgame in sight, I opened the car door. “Let’s go.”