With a small smile, the big bad drug lord did something I never, ever thought I’d see. Jag lifted his arm—an invite for me to curl up into the space next to him—for us to cuddle. I didn’t have to think twice to take him up on the offer and scrambled to close the distance. Once I was settled at his side, Jag wrapped his strong arm around me, holding me close. My eyes closed when he pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head.

“I got a job.” I traced the ridges of his taut stomach.

“Congratulations.” The smile was evident in his voice even though I couldn’t see it.

“Thanks. I start Monday.”


“Yes. I can’t wait to work again.” I melted into Jag’s side, basking in his praise and the rare comfort offered in this peaceful moment. No other men watching, no shouting, no one bothering Jag for his time, no ugly looks shot my way—it was both refreshing and relaxing and… normal, just like Jag said he wanted.

“I’m happy for you, doll. Actually… I’ve been fixin’ to make a career change myself.”


As comfortable as I was encased in his arms, I leaned back so I could see his face. “Are you serious?”

Jag’s mouth curved into a lopsided grin and my heart skipped a beat. “Yeah, I am, doll. I never meant to do this for so long. It was never my plan.” Those beautiful lips pulled down at the corners.

“But you kept doing it.”

He nodded. “I did. Once I…” Jag swallowed, his throat rippling before he continued. “…took over all this.” He gestured randomly with a sweep of his arm to indicate everything around us. “I had nothin’ else. Nowhere to go, no other options. This is all I knew.”

Jag shrugged, an attempt to act casual, but after these last couple of months, I knew him better than that. The truth in his eyes betrayed him, hurt flashing behind the fierce blue. I desperately wanted to ask what Jag meant by no options, but didn’t want to ruin the moment or cause the normally tight-lipped man to shut down.

“What would you do if you quit?”

Jag dropped his gaze and took one of my hands, threading our fingers together. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered in delight. “I have a lot of money, Miri. I might could take a few years off, learn a trade, figure something out. Maybe just retire and do nothing for a while. Buy a tiny cottage and live on a random beach somewhere. Rock on the back porch and watch the sun rise.” His eyes returned to mine, hesitant. “Maybe you would consider keepin’ me company?”

My breath left my lungs in a rush. I was so stunned I lost the ability to speak.

“Miri?” Jag’s brow wrinkled and his cheeks flushed pink.

Oh my god! Boss is blushing! Answer the man, Miri.

“I-I would love that.”

Jag’s frown turned to shock before spreading into a wide grin. “You would really go with me? Leave Austin and start over again?”

I smiled back. “Yes. I have nothing left here.”

Suddenly, I was on my back, two hundred plus pounds of sexy man on top of me, kissing me senseless. Jag pulled back, still grinning as he looked down at me. He laughed and the true happiness in the very rare sound sealed the deal.

Where I had previously been flirting with the edge of danger by getting involved with Jag, I was now falling off the cliff, unable to stop the rapid descent. When I hit the bottom, instead of being caught in the comfort of my feelings for Jag, reality smacked me upside the head.

I was in love with this intriguing, sometimes violent, overprotective man, but I couldn’t go with him.

As Jag was busy covering my face and neck with kisses, icy numbness seeped under my skin. I pushed at his chest, but Jag was too heavy and kept kissing me.

“Jag.” He ignored me and continued his sensual assault. “Jag!”

A heavy-lidded, sleep-mussed head peeked up from where he was nuzzling my neck.

“I can’t leave Austin. Not… not without Cat.”

Jag stared, his face suddenly serious. The playful, happy young man vanished and the fierce drug lord returned in the blink of an eye.

“Who’s Cat?”