My hand was on fire from the hit and my heart felt like it might burst from my chest, but I refused to show any weakness, despite Boss’s threat to kill me if I ever hit him again.

“You fucking prick.” With both palms to his chest, I shoved him back, feeling smug when he tripped over his own feet. “I felt more like a whore tonight than I ever have in my life.”

Then I slammed the door in his face and locked it. I knew he could get in and kill me if he wanted to, and he probably would. I didn’t care. I was so damn angry and it had only been a matter of time until I snapped. I’d been waiting for Boss to take payment for his kindness for over a month, the stress of it hanging over my head. Well, now it was done.

So why did I feel so shitty?

I was able to hold it together for about ten seconds before sliding to the floor and sobbing into my hands.

What. The. Fuck.


The second I was behind the locked door of my bedroom, I freed my aching cock and fisted it in my hand, leaning against the door because I was too impatient to get any further inside the room. I should have been furious at Miri for slapping me, but her anger, her fire, her indignation, only served to make my cock harder. Images of Miri coming while sitting on my lap, slick heat around my fingers, flooded my head as my hand moved faster up and down my shaft. I paused to spit in my hand and continued jerking off. Within minutes, the pressure built in my balls and the base of my spine tingled with pleasure.

“Fuck! Goddamn!”

My cock pulsed as I came and I shouted loud enough to rattle the windows as my balls emptied. Thick jets of cum shot out over my hand and sprayed across the hardwood floor. Panting, I sagged against the door, for once too drained to give a shit about putting my dick back into my pants or immediately cleaning up the handful of cum dripping from my fingers. My mind was thoroughly scrambled by the mind-blowing orgasm.

When I was finally able to catch my breath, I washed my hands and shed the suit to climb

under the hot spray of the shower. Now that I released the sexual tension, I felt disgusting. Miri was hurting. I hurt her. The look on her face when I said she was nothing but a whore made me wince. I didn’t mean it, but it was better for Miri to think I was an asshole than for her to start caring about me or think I was any kind of good guy.

I’m most definitely not a good guy.

I rubbed my cheek and grimaced. Fuck, she got me good. And what did I do after she slammed the door in my face? I jerked off to thoughts of me fingering her in a roomful of criminals and hookers. I was a sick, fucked-up bastard.

With my hands braced on the tile, I hung my head and let the water pound on the back of my neck. What the fuck was I thinking? Doing that to Miri in a roomful of men from one of Mexico’s largest distributors of narcotics? I must be crazy or halfway to losing my goddamn mind.

I told Miri the truth about having her with me tonight. She was at my side specifically so I wouldn’t have to partake in the whores I was expected to have ready for my “guests.” It was common courtesy to provide women at these types of meetings, but I don’t touch whores.

My guests, however, would see me as weak or a pussy if I didn’t join in the party. I used Miri as a shield. My plan had been to simply have Miri sit on my lap and fake some sort of sexual act so the others wouldn’t be suspicious, but when I saw the very real desire in her eyes and felt the heat of her against my hard cock, I couldn’t keep my hands off of her.

My dick began to fill again at the memories of thrusting my fingers into her tight, wet pussy.

“Son of a bitch!”

I turned the water to cold and thought about the cruel words I flung at Miri, and my hard-on disappeared. A ripple of disgust ran through me as I dried off and climbed into bed. I treated Miri no better than one of those whores tonight. I forced her to sit on my lap while I brought her to orgasm in front of a cartel of men who were fucking women I paid for. Even now, all I could think of was going back to her room, throwing her face down on the bed, and shoving my cock deep inside that perfect, hot pussy of hers. Miri was pissed but she couldn’t hide the fact that she wanted me. If I hadn’t been such a douchebag, she would have gladly let me fuck her right into the mattress until we were both screaming our throats raw.

Not now. I went and fucked it all up.

Fragile women like Miri were my weakness, which was exactly why I had to avoid her. I couldn’t afford to have any weaknesses for my enemies to exploit. I couldn’t afford to get close to Miri, despite the intense electricity that sparked and crackled between us whenever we were together. If I gave in to my desires, I would either become so wrapped up in her I would begin to make mistakes, or my rivals would find out about her and gladly hurt Miri to get to me, just like they did with Rose.

I stared at the ceiling all night, unable to rid my mind of the small, fiery, redheaded woman with sadness in her eyes as she slammed the door in my face.


I hung around the first floor of the house all day, waiting for Boss to appear. I wasn’t sure why, exactly. I wanted to ask him exactly what the fuck last night was about, yet I was so embarrassed by his actions and hurt by his words, I never wanted to see him again. I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to kick him in the balls. I should avoid the man. I was more than a little worried he would make good on his promise to kill me if I hit him again.

Boss made my day excruciatingly long. He never showed his stupid, asshole face. Not once. I went to the library to read, but couldn’t focus and ended up replaying last night over and over instead.

My heart hurt from being used and discarded in such a careless way. Boss was a prick,. so why couldn’t I get rid of the memory of those talented fingers working in and out of me? Mason never gave a shit if I came when he fucked me. But then, I knew that to Mason, I was just a convenient hole for him to use whenever it suited him.

Stupidly, I thought Boss was different. Better than just some douchebag who used women and tossed them aside. Boss wasn’t better. He made that crystal clear last night.

I jerked awake at the clamor of loud voices entering the house and the big front door slamming. My neck cracked as I sat up and looked around. I must have fallen asleep in the library while waiting on Boss. The guy had to come back to the house at some point. He might be avoiding me, but I was damn determined to talk to him.

“I want you to coordinate with Six and get them to put more men on it, Milo.”