The guard’s hands clutched at my wrists as he clawed and struggled to keep me from crushing his fragile windpipe. With my other hand, I shifted to hold the blade to his temple. His ghostly pale skin began to turn a deep shade of crimson as the sick bastard fought to pull oxygen into his lungs. Not yet. I didn’t want this to be over so fast. No, he didn’t deserve mercy for what he was going to do, so I lessened my grip long enough for the prick to suck in a breath, only to clamp back down, continuing the torture like a cat playing with a mouse.

No quick and easy death for you, fucking rapist piece of shit.

“I-I didn’t know, Boss,” he wheezed, choking and coughing out his excuse. This fucker must be new, because I’d never seen him before.

And wouldn’t again after today.

My eyes flicked to Miri, who was sitting on the ground in a ball, head listed to one side, tears running down her blotchy face. Her green eyes were bloodshot and her hands were trembling violently.

Fuck. I can’t do this here. Not in front of Miri.

“I’ll be right back, doll,” I said in the calmest voice I could manage seeing as I wanted to rip this fucker’s arms off and shove them up his ass. My hand crushed the man’s throat once more as I dragged his ass back into the house. I tucked the knife away and called my new head of security.

Done with my quick conversation, I pulled the gasping bastard straight through the house to the front door while he sputtered and tripped the entire way. On the circular drive, Frank was ready and waiting with the car running. Sarge, my new head of security, was next to Frank with two men on his other side.

Disgusted, I threw the guard at Sarge, who caught the fucker before he collapsed to the ground.

“Hold him,” I growled, hardly recognizing my own voice. They each grabbed an arm while Sarge held him by the waist. “You goddamn rapist motherfucker.”

“I swear, Boss. I didn’t know she was yours!” He sounded like he might piss his pants he was so scared.

He should be.

“I don’t give a fuck who she is!” I roared. “No one who works for me beats those who are weak and innocent, let alone rapes them. In my own motherfucking house! And no one fucking steals from me. Takes what doesn’t belong to them.” My hands shook with rage.

Unable to wait any longer, I hauled my right arm back as far as it could go and drove it forward, putting all of my strength behind it. The blow connected with his left cheekbone. Pain shot through my knuckles, the shockwaves riding up my arm, but I could give a fuck at this point. Thirst for vengeance overrode the discomfort. The guard’s head snapped violently to the side, blood spraying from his nose in a gruesome arc. I stepped back and a second later landed a left hook to his chin, gratified with the way his neck jerked back and his lip split open.

“Drop him.”

At my command, my men let go of the guard and he fell to the ground. I was on him in the blink of an eye, kicking him over and over, stomping my heel on bones that crunched beneath my feet.

Chest heaving with fury, I itched to pull out my KA-BAR but tamped down the urge, not wanting to spill his blood. I was already covered in streaks of crimson, but too much of it would stain the meticulously paved driveway. I turned to Sarge and pointed at the sagging man, who was now upright only because of the two men holding him beneath his arms.

“Get this piece of shit out of my sight.”

“Yes, Boss.”

“Wait.” They stopped on my command and I stepped up to the beaten and bloodied ex-guard. “You don’t deserve to touch a woman like Miri.” With that, I spat on him and turned to leave. Fuck it. I spun around and pulled the giant knife from beneath the cuff of my pants, and jammed it up into his belly. Blood poured out of him and he screamed from the pain.

While the guard bled out, I laid down the law with my employees. I scanned each of the men’s faces as I spoke to make sure everyone understood. “Miri is mine. Make it known that the next one to fuck with my property will get his cock cut off and shoved down his throat to suffocate on it. Got it?” And I was dead fucking serious. Anyone who caused harm to the tempestuous redhead would suffer at my hands.

Every set of eyes, save for the one with his gut hanging out, focused on me and they replied in unison. “Yes, Boss.” Satisfied there would be no more incidents, I turned and went back in the house, straight to my room to change my blood spattered clothes.

Another goddamn motherfucking suit ruined. This was becoming a pattern I didn’t like. Not one fucking bit.



Upstairs in the master bath, I scrubbed my hands until all of that disgusting fucker’s blood rinsed down the drain and my skin was raw. My heart pounded as rage continued to sizzle through my veins, crackling and popping like kindling in a bonfire. I wanted to kill the piece of shit again right there in the backyard. I wanted to rewind time and squeeze my hands around his neck until the cartilage collapsed and the life ran out of him. I wanted to put my knife in his throat and watch the light in his eyes fade as he left this world all over again. I was so furious my hands still ached to hit something, and I flexed them over the washbasin.

Jesus Christ. Control yourself.

I caught my reflection in the mirror and ran my wet hands down my face, over my darkened, near-black eyes and through the short stubble covering my cheeks. My jacket, tie, and shirt were soaked with blood, and there was spray on my throat and face, which pissed me right the fuck off all over again. The sight was certainly nothing new, but it was the first time that instead of repulsed, I was flat-out infuriated by the offensive red stains. My skin crawled and I felt tainted at the thought of that asshole’s blood touching any part of my clothing or me. Revolted to the point I almost gagged, I tore at my shirt, nearly ripping the seams in my haste to get it off. Still agitated, I shoved down my trousers and briefs, scooping up the entire bundle and dumping it in the plastic-lined hamper.

One of my favorite fucking suits—stupid fucking dead-ass bastard.

I wanted to scream. To shout myself hoarse. My brain itched to regain control, to organize, to clean. And Miri… fuck. In the middle of the large bathroom, I stood naked with my eyes closed and my fists clenched at my sides, my entire body humming like an exposed wire from a combination of adrenaline, anxiety, fury, and fear.