Less than five minutes later, the man emerged with Quinn. Rick’s mouth fell open and he nearly jumped out of the car to confront them when he saw her wearing the dress and a pair of fuck-me heels. The blue dress that he helped her shop for at the friggin mall. The one that made her look like a walking wet dream. It was for her date with this loser?

Fuming, Rick watched as the fuckwit helped Quinn into his SUV, catching him stare at her ass as she climbed in. He waited until they pulled out into traffic before following them out of the parking lot, turning towards downtown Atlanta.

Two hours later, Rick decided that Quinn’s date was a very boring man that Rick wanted to knock out cold. Drinks, dinner, drive back to her apartment… not exactly inventive. Not that Rick could talk about sweeping women off their feet. His idea of a date was a quick fuck and an even quicker exit, preferably without speaking or exchanging names.

Back in his parking spot at the deserted bagel shop, Rick watched as the man walked with Quinn up the stairs to her door. An unfamiliar feeling gnawed at Rick’s insides. It was making him crazy with anger. Jealousy?

If he fucking thinks he’s going inside with her…

Rick was holding his breath as the couple reached the top step. Quinn’s date leaned down as if he was going to kiss her, but at the last second Quinn moved her head and the man got a hug instead. Rick slowly released his breath, finding himself slightly disappointed that he wouldn’t get to kick anyone’s ass tonight yet smiling at Quinn’s rebuff.

They chatted for another minute or two, then the asshole turned and walked back down the stairs. Alone. The haze of fury that had been clouding his vision since Quinn left for her date started to recede, leaving Rick feeling oddly vulnerable… and ridiculous. He shook his head, hardly recognizing himself any more.

Rick started his car, moving it from the bagel shop to the lot behind Sanctum. His car passed Quinn’s date’s as Rick was pulling into the driveway. Rick scowled at the man behind the wheel of the SUV, though it was dark and he doubted the guy could see him.

Why the fuck am I even here?

Rick couldn’t explain his bizarre behavior tonight. He didn’t want to think about what it might mean either. All he wanted was for the empty ache in his gut to go away. Somehow, he instinctively knew that the only person who could ease it was the girl on the other side of the door he found himself knocking on.

“Chase? Is that you?”

“Chase? Is that the name of the asshole you had me shopping for last night?”

“Rick?” Quinn’s voice muffled by the door.

“Yeah. Can you open the door… please?”

“Why are you here?”

“Quinn, just let me in and I’ll explain.”

Rick thumped his forehead against the doorframe, suddenly

scared shitless that Quinn would turn him away. The sound of locks being disengaged made the heavy pressure on his chest lessen… but only somewhat.

The door opened slowly, revealing Quinn, barefoot and still wearing the pale blue dress from her date.

“Come in.” She was frowning, her brows drawn together.

“Thanks.” He knew his face was most likely not friendly. More like openly hostile, actually. He wasn’t pissed at her, he was pissed at— what the fuck was he pissed at?

“Were you… were you spying on me, Rick?”

Rick moved further into the apartment, needing some space around him so he wouldn’t feel so boxed in. Now that he was here, he didn’t know what to say.

“Fuck, doll. I…” He fisted his hair, pacing in front of Quinn’s couch.

“Rick? Are you mad at me? For not telling you that the dress was for a date?”

“Yes… no. Shit, I don’t know what I’m feeling, Quinn.” Rick stopped pacing and faced Quinn.

“Then why are you here?”

His heart skipped a beat when he looked at her. Why was he here? Because every thought he could manage to form completely centered on Quinn? Rick decided to go with honesty, since he didn’t want Quinn to misunderstand his intentions.

“Because I have to be near you. I can’t just sit back and do nothing, let some other guy come in and take you away from me.”

Quinn’s expression turned from irritated to confused to shocked in the span of a single heartbeat. “What? What do you mean?”