
“If you’re so interested in my sex life, why didn’t you just come with me?”

Dane threw his head back and laughed. “I told you I had to be here at six to train Sloane. That kid is going to win a belt someday. He’s a beast. Besides, I’ve helped you score with more girls than you could possibly count. Now stop stalling and let me live vicariously.”

Rich grunted. “I helped you score you mean, and as a matter of fact I did get laid last night. Are you happy?” Rick’s gaze dropped to his coffee. He couldn’t watch his friend’s face light up with delight when the thought of last night made Rick sick to his stomach. Him and Dane always traded stories of their conquests, it was their thing. This morning, however, Rick just wasn’t in the mood.

“Niiiice. Let me guess, you vanished before the smell of sex had even cleared the room.”

“Fuck you, Nolan.” Rick was starting to get angry at his friend’s line of questioning. It was bad enough that he went back to the bar last night and pictured Quinn the entire time some random girl sucked his dick in the back room. It made him feel like some kind of sick weirdo, like he defiled Quinn or something. But he needed the release. Staying away from Quinn was killing him. He didn’t feel like rehashing how unsatisfying the experience was for Dane’s mid-morning entertainment.

The big man stood up, staring at Rick through narrowed eyes. “What’s your problem?”

Refusing to answer, Rick kept his eyes on his drink, willing the man to let it drop and leave him alone with his misplaced sense of guilt. Dane must have gotten the hint, because seconds later he heard the door open. Rick sighed and saw that he was alone. He was thankful to get at least one thing he wanted this morning.

Chapter 6

QUINN RAN FOR the front desk, hoping that Dane wouldn’t catch her eavesdropping on his conversation with Rick. She hadn’t meant to listen in. She was only going to grab a bottle of water from the break room when she heard the two men talking about Rick’s conquests as she stood in the hall, frozen in place.

She blinked back tears as she sat in the chair behind her desk, not quite understanding why they were there. Rick wasn’t her boyfriend, heck, he wasn’t really even her friend. What did it matter who he screwed on his own free time?

Because, you thought you felt something special with him, that because he brought you shopping it somehow meant he cared.

Clearly, Quinn was an idiot, because her brain kept telling her over and over again that Rick wasn’t good for her. But the kind, thoughtful man she got a glimpse of last weekend had her heart believing there could be more to him than just a good-looking, conceited ass.

Guess not.

The phone rang and Quinn welcomed work today. Anything that would keep her from thinking about Rick and whatever girl he took home last night would be a welcome distraction.

Quinn wished for a distraction and several hours later she was upset that it had been granted. She wasn’t sure what to do first. Answer the very shrill, very persistent phone, help the intimidating fighter that was standing in front of her desk, or use the bathroom, which she hadn’t done since she got to work and she was two bottled waters and a cup of coffee into the day.

“If I could just talk to Mack, he’ll know where I need to go,” the pushy young man in an unzipped red hoodie said for the third time.

“I know.” Quinn held up one finger. “Let me just get this call.”

Frazzled, she snatched up the receiver. “Sanctum MMA, this is Quinn, can I help you?”

“Hi, this is Brandi. I need Dane, please.”

“I’ll transfer you.” Quinn rolled her eyes sky high before pushing a button, sending the caller directly into Dane’s voicemail. Two weeks at the front desk and she was fast becoming tired of being used as Dane’s personal slut secretary. Several times a week a different woman with a ridiculous name called and asked for him. Quinn used to try and track him down, but after a week of that bullshit, she started sending the girls directly into his voicemail.

“Sorry.” Quinn focused her attention on the young man. “What did you need again?” She swiped a stray lock of hair back behind her ear.

The tall blonde man smiled, flashing a flawless set of white teeth and two adorable dimples. “Mack. He’s waiting for me. He just took me on as a fighter. He set me up to train with a Muay Thai expert.”

Quinn couldn’t tear her eyes away from the man’s sculpted chest, which was right at eye level from her chair behind the desk. “Ummmm, sorry.” She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. “Who did you say you were?”

“Chase Hadley.” He further undermined Quinn’s ability to think rationally by removing his sweatshirt, revealing a very tight white tank top underneath, which showcased what could only be called a perfectly sculpted, museum quality torso. Somehow, she felt he was doing it on purpose.

“Right, sorry. I’ll just, ummmm, get Mack. Okay.”

Her fumbling made Chase’s eyes light up and his smile broaden. “You’re cute when you’re nervous.”

Chase leaned his elbows on Quinn’s desk, putting his face about a foot away from hers. She tried to huff her disapproval at being called cute, but it came out more as a squeak. “I’m not nervous.”

Quinn shoved her hands under her desk to wipe her damp palms on her jeans. Before Chase could call her out on her lie, the inner door opened and Rick stepped into the lobby. Quinn watched as his brilliant eyes flicked from her to Chase and back. A small furrow formed between his brows and his mouth turned down at the corners.

Okay, now? Rick looks scary.