
“Is that all the evidence you have against my client Dante Reed on insurance fraud? An overheard telephone conversation?”


“Is there any paperwork, or have you actually seen him commit the crime?”


“Thank you, Ms. Odums. No further questions, Your Honor.”

While Kendall walked back over to the table to take his seat, Diamond ice-grilled him the entire time. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked him.

“Diamond, calm down,” Kyle said.

“To hell with that! What is going on? Dante, what is going on?” she asked him, noticing Dante hadn’t made eye contact with her the entire time they’d been in court.

Judge Fritz looked over the top of his glasses. “Counselor, is there a problem?”

“No, Your Honor,” Kyle responded.

“To hell it ain’t! I want to know what y’all are doing.” Diamond was getting louder.

Kyle continued to try to calm her.

“Counselor, if you don’t get control of your client, I will have her removed from the courtroom.”

“Diamond, calm down before you get thrown out of court.” Kyle looked deep into her eyes, letting her know he was serious.

Diamond looked around Kyle and over at Kendall and Dante, who were now whispering to each other. Envy and betrayal filled her heart. She had no control of this situation. She whispered to Kyle, “When this is over today, I want to see you alone, ASAP!”

Kyle simply nodded and looked over at his brother, who had a smirk on his face. Kyle rolled his eyes and shook his head in disgust.


Brotherly Love

Once court was adjourned, Kyle and Kendall walked out of the courthouse together. Neither uttered a word on the walk to the car. Kendall hit the automatic locks on his Benz, and they both got inside. Before he put the key in the ignition, he looked over at his brother, who was looking straight ahead.

“Talk to me. What’s up, Kyle?”

Kyle didn’t say a word. He continued to sit there, his jaws flexing.

“OK, cool. Keep it to yourself.” Kendall shrugged and put the key in the ignition.

“What the fuck was that today, man?” Kyle blurted out.

“What was what, Kyle?” Kendall took his hand off the key and sat back, looking at Kyle.

“What kind of questioning were you doing in there today?”

“I’m still not understanding your question,” Kendall said calmly.

“Don’t fucking play games with me! You know damn well what I’m talking about!”

“No, I don’t, and I suggest you calm the fuck down, doing all that yelling.”

“Or what?”