Page 11 of Dirty Work: Part 1

Jason scowled. “Nigga, you know who the fuck I am?”

“Yeah, muthafucka,” Kip sardonically replied. “Why you think I’m robbing you?”

The groupie was suddenly frightened and ready to scream.

Kip said, “Tell ya bitch to chill.”

Jason grabbed her and roughed her up and warned her to chill and be quiet.

Kip then ordered him to take it all off. He wanted everything.

“You really gonna do this?”

“You think I’m a fuckin’ joke, nigga?” Kip pushed the barrel of the gun into Jason’s back harder, ready to blow his spine out. “Fuck around with me and catch yourself having an early retirement.”

Jason Miller shook his head. If this had been back in the day, things would have gone differently. Jason used to be the one with the gun and doing the stick-ups. He knew the underworld very well and never thought he would become the victim.

Slowly, he removed his watch and his jewelry and handed it over to Kip. “I’m gonna find you, muthafucka. I’ll bet everything on that, you clown-ass nigga.”

Kip didn’t respond to his threats. In his line of work, it came with the business. Kip then told him to take off his diamond earrings. They were big and pricey.

Jason had to take his time unscrewing them from his ear, the barrel of the gun pushed into his back.

All this was happening on a city street in a busy area, and no one around was any wiser.

“You got balls, nigga, doing this shit here like that. I’ll give you that, nigga. But I know plenty of niggas that had balls and were bold, and you know where they at now? Fuckin’ dead, nigga! Like you gonna be soon, you clown-ass, stupid muthafucka!”

Kip responded, “You know, there’s a way to kill a nigga and still leave him alive. And you know how that happens? You take everything he has.”

Kip quickly glanced around his surroundings and saw his opening. He then pointed the gun downwards and deliberately shot Jason in both of his ankles.

Bak! Bak!

Jason hollered from the pain and collapsed to the pavement, clutching at his bleeding ankles.

Kip backed away slowly and then took off in a slow jog. That was for Eshon and Brandy.

Kip reconnected with his crew, along with Eshon and Brandy. They had all done well so far tonight. Two down and one to go.


Devon parked the truck across the street from the Gansevoort Hotel and left it idling. Kip had texted Jessica earlier and learned that she was in the hotel room still working Mike Blackmon.


Inside the lavish hotel room, Jessica little by little removed her naked frame from the unconscious athlete’s arms. He was sleeping heavily and wouldn’t be awake for hours. Jessica had drugged his drink with rohypnol while he wasn’t looking. She didn’t even have to fuck him.

With Mike out cold, she had plenty of time to go through his pockets and pick him clean of all his valuables. He had ten thousand dollars cash on him. His cash was now hers, and she took all of his jewelry and crammed it into her clutch and some into a pillow case she’d transformed into a carrying bag.

Dressed and pleased, she smoothly strutted out of the hotel suite before dawn, made her way down to the lobby, and coolly made her exit from the opulent hotel and onto the city streets, where she found her friends waiting.

Jessica climbed into the Expedition. As Devon drove off and headed back uptown, toward Harlem, she boasted about her score.

Kip was pleased too. They had done it—They hit all three players at once and stole countless jewelry and cash from them. He couldn’t wait to tally it up and see how well they’d done.


Feeling relaxed and mellow, Kip lit his Black & Mild and stared at today’s news on his flat-screen in his bedroom. Last night was a risk, but he needed the money. He needed to live. He had shocked the world with his bold robberies on three NBA players and the shooting of Jason Miller. It was breaking news that morning on every channel, and Club Revolt was under heavy criticism.