“Walk back to the projects, bitch!” he chided.

Coldly, he climbed back into the car and sped away, leaving Charlie stranded in Queens. With little cash on her and blood trickling from her nose, Charlie fussed, cursed, screamed, and had no choice but to go somewhere to clean herself up and try to get home.

She had to call an Uber and finally arrived home two hours later. Charlie walked through the front door looking a hot mess, and Claire, who was still up because she couldn’t sleep, became concerned for her sister.

“What the fuck happened to you?”

Charlie snapped, “Mind ya fuckin’ business,” and she marched by Claire and stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her. It was one thing to be in love with a womanizer, but it was another ballgame to be in love with a violent and abusive man like God.

Claire wanted to help, but she knew Charlie wouldn’t allow her into her business. She could only sit and watch from the sidelines while her older sister’s life was spiraling out of control. She knew whatever it was Charlie and God were into wasn’t pretty at all.

Claire was really trying to make amends for her wrong. She was trying to change her ways, and this time she was studying hard and wanted to give college another shot. The environment at home wasn’t the best, but she tried to work with what she had. Bacardi was away with Chanel, Butch was being Butch, and Charlie was too busy chasing behind God. Being the middle child, Claire had to make do on her own.

Claire couldn’t sit back and watch her sister crumble. Fuck it, she said to herself. She marched into Charlie’s room to aid her.

“You need help, and I love you and I ain’t taking no for an answer,” said Claire gruffly.

Charlie was taken aback by Claire’s sudden entry and snippy tone.

Claire gave her sister a bath and cleaned her wounds before feeding her and helping her to bed. Both her sisters were going through critical drama, and to think, Claire thought she had it bad.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

After the attempted murder on God, he decided to leave town right away, but first he made a quick stop to see his side chick, Kym. He needed her help. Kym left town with God for a few weeks. Her parents had a place in Syracuse, New York. It was a cabin on the lake where he could chill out and think and not look over his shoulder. The area was isolated and quiet, any neighbors were miles away, and the local road seemed to be longer than that. It was nothing but trees, grass, animals, and Mother Nature. God had to get used to the new and strange surroundings. He was a city boy, and the country was an entirely different world for him.

God watched Kym move around the place like a natural. She knew where everything was and how to operate things he had no idea what they were for.

“My parents used to bring me up here almost every summer when I was young. My father had a thing for the outdoors. He liked to get away for weeks at a time,” said Kym.

What she said was irrelevant to God. He just needed a hideout. Brooklyn had gotten too dangerous and hot for him. He felt that the cops were coming down on him. That last lick was really sloppy, and there was no telling what kind of evidence they’d left behind. He’d assaulted Charlie and left her on the street like she was road kill. Would she be mad enough to come after him? God wasn’t sure.

God watched Kym try to make the cabin a home for him. She was a nice girl, and God felt that he could really fall in love with Kym, if she wasn’t so boring. She was so vanilla, just one flavor all the time. But she was useful, and that’s what he needed right now—someone he could trust.

“We’ll be okay here, God. It’s just takes some time to get used to.”

Yeah, getting used to. It was easier said than done.

By day three, God felt like he was going stir-crazy, but he couldn’t leave because he had to sort some things out. He needed to get some cash together, and he wanted go after Pyro—plot to kill that fool.

Kym had become his liaison to the outside world. She would go back and forth for him, bring him food, clothes, entertainment, including pussy, and some comfort. Being alone in the woods in the middle of nowhere could change a man. God knew that he couldn’t last for too long in Syracuse, and he was desperate.

He watched Kym in the kitchen cooking a meal for them. He knew her family had money and he needed Kym to do him a huge favor. Knowing what mood to put her in, God went to her and romantically grabbed her from behind and kissed the side of her neck. Kym smiled, loving his affection.

“You know I love you, right?” he said.

“I know.”

“And I would do anything for you. I don’t know what I would do without you,” he said.

God squeezed her lovingly and continued to tenderly kiss the side of her neck. He turned her around in his arms and they came face to face with each other. She was a pretty woman, but far from a ride-or-die bitch like Charlie, he believed. God passionately tongued her down and his hands roamed across her breasts and grabbed her butt. She was becoming hot and bothered.

It was then that he said, “Can you do me a favor?”

“What is it?”

“I need a small loan.” He kissed her lips.

“How much?”