Charlie smiled. “Thank you.”

The sisters’ evening continued smoothly. Chanel cooked a healthy and delicious meal of baked chicken, green beans, and brown rice. Charlie and Claire devoured her cooking like they hadn’t eaten in months. They weren’t getting home cooked meals at their place. Bacardi wasn’t the devoted cook in the kitchen, and Butch was mostly gone for days at a time. They suspected that he’d started drinking again, or worse.

The two sisters praised Chanel’s cooking. They were full and content. Chanel made her home their home, and she treated them with kindness and forgiveness. They’d spent the entire day together talking, laughi

ng, watching movies, and gossiping. Chanel felt like she had formed some kind of bond with her two sisters. As the day progressed, she grew more comfortable around them, and it felt like Charlie’s reaching out was genuine.

Night came, and it was time for Claire and Charlie to leave. Chanel offered them to stay the night, but Charlie refused.

“We intruded on your life too much already,” said Charlie.

“It’s cool. I can use the company.”

“Nah, we gotta go, but it’s been fun,” Charlie said.

“I enjoyed it,” said Claire.

“Me too.”

Chanel hugged her sisters goodbye. Ironically, she didn’t want to see them leave. As they were about to exit the front door, Charlie turned to Chanel with an afterthought, saying to her, “Hey, don’t mention to your man that we came by.”

Chanel became somewhat baffled by the request. “Why not?”

“Because he seems real protective of you. Let’s just keep this day between us—our little secret. I don’t want to create any problems between y’all,” Charlie explained.

To Chanel, it sounded like a genuine explanation. Mateo already told her that he didn’t want anyone to know where they lived.

Chanel nodded. “Okay.”

Charlie smiled. She hugged her little sister one last time and left.

It was a day that Chanel was never going to forget. Besides meeting Mateo, this special day with her sisters was one of the best days of her life.

The following day, Mateo gave her a call to check up on her. They talked briefly, and she told him about her sisters coming by for a visit. She was going to be his wife, and she didn’t want to keep anything from him.

“What, Chanel? Why? I told you, don’t let anyone know where we stay at,” he fussed.

“But they’re my sisters, Mateo, and I got lonely.”

He sighed profoundly, knowing Chanel was still naïve about a few things.

“It’s okay, I understand,” he said. “I just want you to be careful.”

“I will.”

But he knew it wasn’t okay. There was something about Charlie and God that really rubbed him the wrong way. He didn’t trust those two at all, and knowing that Charlie had been to their home, a feeling of anxiety and trouble crept upon him.

When Mateo ended the call with her, he turned to Pyro and said, “I need to move ASAP. I got a bad feeling about her sister and her man.”

“It’s like that?”

“Yeah. I can’t shake that shit, Pyro. Them two are bad news.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

God placed two Glock 17’s on the bed, along with a .380, a Walther PPQ, and a sawed-off shotgun. It looked like he was ready for war.

“You think you got enough guns?” Charlie said with sarcasm.