“Only your tip money. Don’t go investing your rent and car note cash.”

Bolo smiled. “It’s on. I’m in.”

Pyro patted Bolo on the back and then added, “Mateo’s bill for investment advice will be in the mail.”

All three men laughed and gave each other dap. Today was a good day.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Charlie felt like she’d traded places with her baby sister. It felt like she was now the one living in squalor with no respect and nothing to her name. Seeing Chanel in those red bottoms and witnessing Mateo drive her off into the sunset in a pearl white Range Rover sent Charlie past her breaking point.

Mateo had money to burn, while God was shacking up with her in her mama’s place, and she had seen better days. It wasn’t fair.

Chanel’s birthday was two weeks away, and Charlie cringed at the thought of what Mateo would get her for her birthday. He’d already spoiled her with jewelry, a car, a diamond engagement ring, clothes, and money. What else could he give Chanel? A baby?

Charlie lounged on her bed smoking a cigarette. She sighed deeply. She needed some action again before she died from boredom or broke-assness. As she lay there, it occurred to her. It was like a light bulb came on over her head—like a crystal clear dream.

When God came into the bedroom, Charlie stared at him like she was ready to tell him the truth about life.

“You got another cigarette, babe?” he asked.

She tossed him her dwindling pack and said, “God, we need to talk. I got another lick for us.”

God removed a few cigarettes from the pack for later and placed one between his lips and lit up. He took a few drags and said, “What you mean?”

“We need to start gettin’ this money again, nigga. You know I don’t like being fuckin’ broke.”

“Like I do! Whatever happened to that other mofo you had lined up?”

Charlie had forgotten her lie. “Who?”

“Forget it. I’m already on it, Charlie. I’m scouting niggas out now.”

“Not fast enough. But no worries, because I always come through. I already got someone we can hit up.”

“I’m listening.”

“My little sister and her man. They can get got,” she said.

He took another drag and raised his eyebrow. “You serious?”

“Yes! Like fuckin’ cancer, nigga.”

God chuckled. “You my bitch fo’ real, Charlie. Damn, I fuckin’ love you.”

She grinned. “So, I guess you down wit’ it?”

“Charlie, you and I think so alike it’s fuckin’ scary. Fingers and I was already plotting on that bitch-ass nigga. He holdin’ too much money and weight to keep it all for himself.”

“Fo’ real?”

“Fo’ real, shorty. I’m hungry to go after those fools, especially after he come up in here all smug and shit. Yo, you know that nigga dog food for us, and we gonna eat that nigga for everything he got,” God exclaimed.

Hearing her man talk like that turned Charlie on. She couldn’t stop beaming. She felt a surge of power flood her body like a dam breaking open. She wanted to be back on top, and if Chanel was the next sacrificial lamb then so fucking be it.

“Yo, let’s get this fuckin’ money,” God said.
