“I can explain.”

“I don’t wanna hear your excuse.”

“Chanel, what the fuck is wrong wit’ you?” Bacardi exclaimed.

“This isn’t your business, Ma,” Chanel snapped at her.

Bacardi twitched and the corners of mouth turned downwards into a frown. Did her daughter just talk back at her?

“I know you’re upset, and you have the right to be. It’s been a while since I saw you,” said Mateo coolly.

“Every day, I waited for you and waited fo

r you . . . but not a single phone call, no visit, no text, nothing!” Chanel exclaimed.

“Well, if you don’t want him, shit, I’ll take him,” Charlie uttered.

Charlie moved closer to Mateo and placed her hand against his chest, wanting to feel his muscles. But Mateo quickly shut her down and slapped her hand away. He made it clear that he wasn’t interested in her. Her next move was to Pyro, but Charlie got the same reaction—the cold shoulder.

When Claire entered the room, she too was taken aback by Chanel’s handsome company. Mateo and Pyro were definitely eye-candy.

“Can we talk?” Mateo asked Chanel.

“No, not right now.”

Bacardi couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Was Chanel crazy? A nigga like Mateo wanted her daughter’s attention and she was treating him like he was some kind of STD.

“Chanel, why don’t you talk to the man? He came out in the damn cold to see you,” Bacardi said.

“No. I’m not just something for you to play with, and then get bored, and then come back to it when you want,” said Chanel. “I got feelings, Mateo.”

“It’s not even like that,” he said. “Let me make it up to you and take you out to dinner.”

“It’s too cold outside.”

He chuckled. Chanel was being stubborn, but he liked that about her. Shit, most females would have given in and surrendered themselves to him once they saw him standing in their home—like her sisters. Chanel was different. He liked different.

“Damn, Chanel, that’s why you don’t get dick now,” Charlie rudely said.

Mateo cut his eyes at the sister. He wasn’t too pleased by her comment. Both her sisters were red, pretty, and took after their father, and Chanel took after her mother. Now he understood why she wanted to dye her hair. She was a black beauty and Mateo loved a dark skinned woman.

“This ain’t about sex,” Mateo announced. “Chanel’s too special to be treated like a hoodrat. She’s a queen and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on and I fucked up. So I’m here to show her that I won’t make that mistake twice.”

The sisters didn’t like to hear that. They started to envy Chanel.

Mateo smiled at Chanel and he wanted her to forgive him, but Chanel was still being stubborn. She was still angry.

“Mateo, let’s just go. Give her some time,” Pyro said.

Mateo looked hesitant to leave, but he knew his friend was right. Chanel needed some time, and he didn’t like how her family was all in their business.

“I’ll be back, Chanel. Just think about us,” he said.

She turned from him and marched back to her room. Mateo wasn’t upset. He loved how feisty she was. She did love him and that was why she was so upset.

Mateo pivoted and walked out the front door. Bacardi looked at him like he was a million dollars walking out the door. She wanted to try and pimp her other two daughters onto him and his friend, but they both made it clear that they weren’t interested.

Pyro smiled and uttered, “It was nice meeting y’all,” and he made his exit behind Mateo.