“I love it, Mecca.”

“I knew you would.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Just then, Chanel’s cell phone rang. Knowing it was Mateo calling her, she hurried to answer it. “Hello?”

“Hey, it’s me. I’m downstairs,” he said.

“I’ll be down in one minute.”

She ended the call and then spun around with a nervous look about her and exclaimed, “Oh shit, he’s here. I’m so damn nervous, Mecca.”

“Chanel, just chill and take a deep breath. You go this. Just be yourself and have fun. Besides, he’s the one that should be nervous—look at you. Damn, girl, I would fuck you.”

Chanel laughed. “Thanks.”

Chanel took one final look at the outfit Mecca let her wear. The dress showed enough of her long legs to captivate attention, and it was comfortable and cool enough for the July heat wave. The final touch was a small purse for her to carry.

“Now, go out there and have some fun. And, bitch, don’t come back here pregnant,” Mecca joked.

“Oh, shut up, Mecca.” Chanel laughed.

“I’m serious. Shit, the way you’ve been carrying on about this nigga you’ve only met twice, you worry me, girl.”

“I’m just getting to know him, and we’re only going out to see a movie and get something to eat.”

“Yeah, enough time to make a baby.”

“I’ll behave. I promise.”

“It’s not you I’m worried about.”

“I trust him, Mecca. He’s cool,” Chanel said.

“Yeah. We’ll see. But look, if you have any problems, call me right away. Okay?”

“Okay, Mom!”

Mecca and Chanel laughed. Their friendship was genuine, and Mecca was the sister Chanel wished she had.

Chanel walked out of the door still nervous, but she strutted with some confidence. Inside the elevator, she took

a deep breath and said to herself, Just be yourself, smile and have fun. She exited the lobby to see Mateo standing outside the same pearl white Range Rover that she met him in. She smiled widely. He looked fine in his black cargo shorts, black sneakers, and a V-neck—dressed so simple and still looking too fine.

Mateo was taken aback by Chanel’s transformation. “Damn, you look astonishing. You are so beautiful.”

Chanel beamed brightly from the compliment. “And you look great too, Mateo.”


From there, their date started. Mateo escorted Chanel to the passenger side and opened the door for her. She couldn’t stop grinning. She was giddy.

Mateo climbed into the driver’s seat. “You want to see a movie first, or do you want to get something to eat?”

She shrugged. “It don’t matter.”