Charlie simply nodded her head. She soon returned looking like she was in a trance. She walked toward God and abruptly plunged the serrated steak knife into his chest. God jolted suddenly from the stabbing, jumping to his feet in absolute shock, but quickly he fell to his knees, becoming dizzy and weak. Charlie quickly pulled the knife out of his chest and she stabbed him again in the neck. His blood gushed out of him like a fountain. Charlie stood there like a woman possessed. She was shocked about her impulsive action. A part of her wanted to help save his life, but there wasn’t much she could do for him now. From all the blood spewing from him, she knew that she’d probably struck an artery.

God held his hand over his neck wound and tried to reach for his cell phone on the coffee table, but Charlie grabbed it first and took a few steps back and stood there, watching the man die in agony.

“Please . . . please help me, babe. Call an ambulance . . . call . . .” he stammered as he was choking on his own blood. “I-I . . . I’m dyin’. . .”

Charlie stared at him. His eyes feared death and he uttered, “I-I love you, Charlie . . .”

He was crawling to her, leaving a trail of his blood behind. He definitely was a tough son of a bitch. He refused to die right away.

“Don’t do me like this,” he pleaded.

But it was already too late. He soon stopped moving and his eyes closed. He lay there unconscious and face-down on the floor, and then his heart eventually stopped. God was finally dead.


Charlie stayed in the apartment for several days with the body. She was completely shell-shocked. She had killed him. She had brutally stabbed him to death. Her days were spent crying and her nights were spent being terrified. She didn’t want to go to jail for the rest of her life.

God’s body had started to decay and it was leaving behind an awful stench that Charlie tried to mask daily. She would spray the place with Lysol and open all the windows, but it being a warm September with little breeze, it didn’t help much.

Charlie desperately wrapped the body in blankets and moved it to the front door. She wanted to load him inside the trunk of her car, but God’s carcass damn near weighed a ton to her. He was dead weight. How would she get him to the trunk of her car without being noticed?

She needed help. But from who?

She thought about calling Claire for help, but she didn’t want to get her sister into any trouble. This was her mess, and she needed to clean it up. The fewer people who knew about this, the better. Charlie needed to take action, and sitting around the apartment twiddling her thumbs wasn’t going to help her. The only thing she was capable of doing was using bleach to drench the body and wipe the entire area clean of her DNA. She loaded a plastic bag with the sheets, deleted her name and all her text messages from his phone, and finally left the apartment.


Kym arrived at the New Jersey rental and was extremely upset and frustrated with God. She had been calling his number for days with no response, and he wasn’t returning her phone calls. God owed her a lot of money and she was there to collect. He needed to know who buttered his bread. Kym was ready to let God know that she wasn’t some random bum bitch that he could fuck and use. She demanded respect.

Just as she was pulling up to the building, Kym saw a familiar looking woman. It had to be Charlie B. leaving the building. She fumed. God had some explaining to do.

Meanwhile, Charlie was making her exit from the lobby and saw Kym from afar, knowing that bitch was there to see God. She pulled out her phone and anonymously dialed 911 just as Kym was marching into the building. She told the dispatcher that she’d heard arguing coming from a certain apartment and subsequently a gunshot.

“Please hurry,” Charlie cried out.

The police were on their way.

Inside the apartment, several uniformed officers burst through the door to see a grief-stricken Kym wailing and cradling a very dead God in her arms. “I know she did it! She did it! She killed him! She killed him!”

The cops forcefully pulled Kym from the body and placed the iron bracelets on her dainty wrists. She was arrested for murder.


Hawaii was a paradise—Heaven’s artwork as far as the eye could see. It had beautiful sunsets, a rich blue ocean and clean, sprawling beaches. The weather was perfect. Romance and paradise went hand-in-hand for couples in Hawaii, where they could take advantage of moonlit walks on the pristine, sandy beaches, and where only the palm trees could hear their whispers. There were clear ocean views from the balconies of many suites. The sun and the moon seemed to glow brighter in paradise. Hawaii was peace of mind for newlyweds and everyone else. The melodious rush of warm Pacific waters surged at folks’ ankles as their feet would pleasantly sink into the moist white sand.

The rich blue ocean was therapeutic, and as the ocean gently crashed against the white sands, it sounded like the beach was singing a tune—a melody that harmonized beauty and love and put a joyous spell over everyone.

She held Mateo’s hand and stared lovingly in his eyes, as they walked barefoot across the beach, allowing the waves to wash against their feet. Chanel wanted to stay in paradise forever. She didn’t want to go back home. She felt there was nothing there for her. Being with Mateo in bliss like this, it was all she wanted.

Hawaii was heaven. It was how she dreamed it to be—even better.

But that’s all it was. A dream.

Chanel woke up by Mateo’s side and immediately was thrust into a chaotic situation. Mateo’s vitals had dropped dangerously low and he was about to flat-line. The machines sounded with alarms, and several doctors and nurses frantically rushed into the room to try and save Mateo’s life.

“What’s going on?” Chanel cried out.

“Ma’am, we need you to step outside,” said the nurse.